U.S. Boarding school
Alabama | |
School Name | Website |
Indian Springs School | www.indiansprings.org |
Arkansas | |
School Name | Website |
Subiaco Academy | www.subiacoacademy.us |
Arizona | |
School Name | Website |
Fenster School | www.fensterschool.org |
Orme School of Arizona, The | www.ormeschool.org |
Verde Valley School | www.vvsaz.org |
California | |
School Name | Website |
Army and Navy Academy | www.armyandnavyacademy.org |
Athenian School, The | www.athenian.org |
Besant Hill School (formerly Happy Valley School) | www.besanthill.org |
Cate School | www.cate.org |
Dunn School | www.dunnschool.org |
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy | www.fsha.org |
Idyllwild Arts Academy | www.idyllwildarts.org |
Midland School | www.midland-school.org |
Monte Vista Christian School | www.mvcs.org |
Ojai Valley School | www.ovs.org |
Priory, The (Woodside Priory School) | www.prioryca.org |
San Domenico School | www.sandomenico.org |
Santa Catalina School | www.santacatalina.org |
Southwestern Academy | www.southwesternacademy.edu |
Squaw Valley Academy | www.sva.org |
St. Catherine's Military Academy | www.stcatherinesmilitaryacademy.org |
Stevenson School | www.stevensonschool.org |
Thacher School, The | www.thacher.org |
Villanova Preparatory School | www.villanovaprep.org |
Webb Schools, The | www.webb.org |
Colorado | |
School Name | Website |
Colorado Rocky Mountain School | www.crms.org |
Colorado Timberline Academy | ctaedu.org |
Fountain Valley School of Colorado | www.fvs.edu |
Lowell Whiteman School | www.lws.edu |
Connecticut | |
School Name | Website |
Academy of the Holy Family | www.ahfbaltic.org |
Avon Old Farms School | www.avonoldfarms.com |
Canterbury School | www.cbury.org |
Cheshire Academy | www.cheshireacademy.org |
Choate Rosemary Hall | www.choate.edu |
Ethel Walker School, The | www.ethelwalker.org |
Forman School, The | www.formanschool.org |
Glenholme School, The | www.theglenholmeschool.org |
Gunnery, The | www.gunnery.org |
Hotchkiss School, The | www.hotchkiss.org |
Hyde-Woodstock | www.hyde.edu |
Kent School | www.kent-school.edu |
Loomis Chafee School, The | www.loomischaffee.org |
Marvelwood School, The | www.marvelwood.org |
Miss Porter's School | www.porters.org |
Pomfret School | www.pomfretschool.org |
Rectory School, The | www.rectoryschool.org |
Salisbury School | www.salisburyschool.org |
South Kent School | www.southkentschool.org |
St. Thomas More School | www.stmct.org |
Suffield Academy | www.suffieldacademy.org |
Taft School, The | www.taftschool.org |
Westminster School | www.westminster-school.org |
Westover School | www.westoverschool.org |
Delaware | |
School Name | Website |
St. Andrew's School, DE | www.standrews-de.org |
Florida | |
School Name | Website |
Admiral Farragut Academy | www.farragut.org |
Bolles School, The | www.bolles.org |
Donahue Academy of Ave Maria | www.donahueacademy.org |
Florida Air Academy | www.flair.com |
Montverde Academy | www.montverde.org |
North Broward Preparatory School | www.nbps.org |
Saint Andrew's School | www.saintandrews.net |
Georgia | |
School Name | Website |
Brandon Hall School | www.brandonhall.org |
Brenau Academy | www.brenauacademy.org |
Darlington School | www.darlingtonschool.org |
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School | www.rabungap.org |
Riverside Military Academy | www.riversidemilitary.com |
Tallulah Falls School | www.tallulahfalls.org |
Hawaii | |
School Name | Website |
Hawaii Preparatory Academy | www.hpa.edu |
Iowa | |
School Name | Website |
Academy of St. Xavier | |
Scattergood Friends School | www.scattergood.org |
Illinois | |
School Name | Website |
Lake Forest Academy | www.lfanet.org |
Indiana | |
School Name | Website |
Culver Academies | www.culver.org |
Howe School, The (Howe Military School & Summer Camp) | www.thehoweschool.org |
La Lumiere School | www.lalumiere.org |
Kentucky | |
School Name | Website |
Oakdale Christian Academy | www.oakdalechristian.org |
Massachusetts | |
School Name | Website |
Bement School | www.bement.org |
Berkshire School | www.berkshireschool.org |
Brooks School | www.brooksschool.org |
Buxton School | buxtonschool.org |
Cambridge School of Weston , The | www.csw.org |
Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall | www.chch.org |
Concord Academy | www.concordacademy.org |
Cushing Academy | www.cushing.org |
Dana Hall School | www.danahall.org |
Deerfield Academy | deerfield.edu |
Eagle Hill School | www.ehs1.org |
Fay School | www.fayschool.org |
Governor's Academy, The (formerly Governor Dummer Academy) | www.thegovernorsacademy.org |
Groton School | www.groton.org |
Hillside School | www.hillsideschool.net |
Landmark School | www.landmarkschool.org |
Lawrence Academy | www.lacademy.edu |
Linden Hill School | lindenhs.org |
MacDuffie School, The | www.macduffie.org |
Middlesex School | www.mxschool.edu |
Milton Academy | www.milton.edu |
Miss Hall's School | www.misshalls.org |
Northfield Mount Hermon School | www.nmhschool.org |
Phillips Academy Andover | www.andover.edu |
St. Mark's School | www.stmarksschool.org |
Stoneleigh-Burnham School | www.sbschool.org |
Tabor Academy | www.taboracademy.org |
Wilbraham & Monson Academy | www.wma.us |
Williston Northampton School, The | www.williston.com |
Winchendon School, The | www.winchendon.org |
Maryland | |
School Name | Website |
Garrison Forest School | www.gfs.org |
Georgetown Preparatory School | www.gprep.org |
Oldfields School | www.oldfieldsschool.org |
Saint James School | www.stjames.edu |
St. Timothy's School | www.stt.org |
West Nottingham Academy | www.wna.org |
Maine | |
School Name | Website |
Bridgton Academy | www.bridgtonacademy.org |
Foxcroft Academy | www.foxcroftacademy.org |
Fryeburg Academy | www.fryeburgacademy.org |
George Stevens Academy | www.georgestevensacademy.org |
Gould Academy | gouldacademy.org |
Hebron Academy | www.hebronacademy.org |
Hyde School - Bath | www.hyde.edu |
Kents Hill School | kentshill.org |
Thornton Academy | www.thorntonacademy.org |
Washington Academy | www.washingtonacademy.org |
Michigan | |
School Name | Website |
Cranbrook Schools | www.schools.cranbrook.edu |
Interlochen Arts Academy | www.interlochen.org |
Leelanau School, The | www.leelanau.org |
Minnesota | |
School Name | Website |
Cotter Schools | www.cotterschools.org |
Saint John's Preparatory School | www.sjprep.net |
Shattuck-St. Mary's School | www.s-sm.org |
Missouri | |
School Name | Website |
Missouri Military Academy | www.missourimilitaryacademy.org |
Thomas Jefferson School | www.tjs.org |
Wentworth Military Academy & College | wma.edu |
Montana | |
School Name | Website |
Lustre Christian High School | www.lustrechristian.org |
North Carolina | |
School Name | Website |
Asheville School | www.ashevilleschool.org |
Christ School | www.christschool.org |
Outdoor Academy, The | www.enf.org |
Saint Mary's School | www.sms.edu |
Salem Academy | www.salemacademy.com |
New Hampshire | |
School Name | Website |
Brewster Academy | www.brewsteracademy.org |
Cardigan Mountain School | www.cardigan.org |
Dublin School | www.dublinschool.org |
Hampshire Country School | www.hampshirecountryschool.org |
High Mowing School | www.highmowing.org |
Holderness School | www.holderness.org |
Kimball Union Academy | www.kua.org |
Maharishi Academy of Total Knowledge | www.maharishiacademy.org |
Meeting School, The | www.meetingschool.org |
New Hampton School | www.newhampton.org |
Oliverian School | www.oliverianschool.org |
Phillips Exeter Academy | www.exeter.edu |
Proctor Academy | www.proctoracademy.org |
St. Paul's School | www.sps.edu |
Tilton School | www.tiltonschool.org |
White Mountain School, The | www.whitemountain.org |
Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School | www.wolfeboro.org |
New Jersey | |
School Name | Website |
Blair Academy | www.blair.edu |
Hun School of Princeton, The | www.hunschool.org |
Lawrenceville School | www.lawrenceville.org |
Peddie School | www.peddie.org |
Pennington School, The | www.pennington.org |
Purnell School | www.purnell.org |
New Mexico | |
School Name | Website |
New Mexico Military Institute | www.nmmi.edu |
New York | |
School Name | Website |
Buffalo Seminary | www.buffaloseminary.org |
Darrow School | www.darrowschool.org |
Emma Willard School | www.emmawillard.org |
Gow School, The | www.gow.org |
Hoosac School | www.hoosac.com |
Houghton Academy | www.houghtonacademy.org |
Knox School, The | www.knoxschool.org |
Masters School, The | www.mastersny.org |
Millbrook School | www.millbrook.org |
New York Military Academy | www.nyma.org |
North Country School | www.northcountryschool.org |
Northwood School | www.northwoodschool.com |
Oakwood Friends School | www.oakwoodfriends.org |
Stony Brook School, The | www.stonybrookschool.org |
Storm King School, The | www.sks.org |
Trinity Pawling School | www.trinitypawling.org |
Ohio | |
School Name | Website |
Andrews Osborne Academy | www.andrewsosborne.org |
Grand River Academy | grandriver.org |
Olney Friends School | olneyfriends.org |
Western Reserve Academy | www.wra.net |
Oregon | |
School Name | Website |
Delphian School, The | www.delphian.org |
Oregon Episcopal School | www.oes.edu |
Pennsylvania | |
School Name | Website |
Carson Long Military Institute | www.carsonlong.org |
CFS, The School at Church Farm | www.gocfs.net |
Family First Academy | www.familyfirstacademy.org |
George School | www.georgeschool.org |
Grier School | www.grier.org |
Hill School | www.thehill.org |
Kiski School, The | www.kiski.org |
Linden Hall | www.lindenhall.org |
Mercersburg Academy | www.mercersburg.edu |
Perkiomen School | www.perkiomen.org |
Phelps School, The | www.thephelpsschool.org |
Solebury School | www.solebury.org |
Valley Forge Military Academy & College | www.vfmac.edu |
Westtown School | www.westtown.edu |
Wyoming Seminary Upper School | www.wyomingseminary.org |
Rhode Island | |
School Name | Website |
Portsmouth Abbey School | www.portsmouthabbey.org |
St. Andrew's School - RI | www.standrews-ri.org |
St. George's School | www.stgeorges.edu |
South Carolina | |
School Name | Website |
Camden Military Academy | camdenmilitary.com |
Tennessee | |
School Name | Website |
Baylor School | www.baylorschool.org |
King's Academy, The | www.thekingsacademy.net |
McCallie School | www.mccallie.org |
St. Andrew's-Sewanee School | www.sasweb.org |
Webb School, The | www.webb.org |
Texas | |
School Name | Website |
Brook Hill School, The | www.brookhill.org |
Hockaday School, The | www.hockaday.org |
San Marcos Academy (San Marcos Baptist Academy) | www.smabears.org |
St. Stephen's Episcopal School | www.sstx.org |
TMI -Episcopal School of Texas, The |
Utah | |
School Name | Website |
Wasatch Academy | www.wasatchacademy.org |
Virginia | |
School Name | Website |
Blue Ridge School | www.blueridgeschool.com |
Carlisle School | www.carlisleschool.org |
Chatham Hall | www.chathamhall.org |
Christchurch School | www.christchurchschool.org |
Episcopal High School | www.episcopalhighschool.org |
Fishburne Military School | www.fishburne.org |
Fork Union Military Academy | www.forkunion.com |
Foxcroft School | www.foxcroft.org |
Hargrave Military Academy | www.hargrave.edu |
Madeira School, The | www.madeira.org |
Massanutten Military Academy | www.militaryschool.com |
Miller School | www.millerschool.org |
Oak Hill Academy | www.oak-hill.net |
Oakland School | www.oaklandschool.net |
Randolph-Macon Academy | www.rma.edu |
St. Anne's-Belfield School | www.stab.org |
St. Margaret's School | www.sms.org |
Stuart Hall School | www.stuart-hall.org |
Virginia Episcopal School | www.ves.org |
Woodberry Forest School | www.woodberry.org |
Vermont | |
School Name | Website |
Greenwood School, The | www.greenwood.org |
Putney School, The | www.putney.com |
St. Johnsbury Academy | www.stjacademy.org |
Vermont Academy | www.vermontacademy.org |
Washington | |
School Name | Website |
Annie Wright School | www.aw.org |
St. Albans School | www.stalbansschool.org |
Wisconsin | |
School Name | Website |
St. John's Northwestern Military Academy | www.sjnma.org |
Wayland Academy | www.wayland.org |
West Virginia | |
School Name | Website |
Linsly School, The | www.linsly.org |