U.S. Universities
Alaska | |
School Name | Website |
Alaska Bible College | www.akbible.edu |
Alaska Pacific University | www.alaskapacific.edu |
Alaska System, University of - Anchorage | www.uaa.alaska.edu |
Alaska System, University of - Fairbanks | www.uaf.edu |
Alaska System, University of - Southeast (Juneau) | www.uas.alaska.edu |
Alabama | |
School Name | Website |
Air University | www.maxwell.af.mil/units/au |
Alabama A&M University | www.aamu.edu |
Alabama State University | www.alasu.edu |
Alabama System, University of - Birmingham | www.uab.edu |
Alabama System, University of - Huntsville | www.uah.edu |
Alabama System, University of - Tuscaloosa (main campus) | www.ua.edu |
Amridge University | www.amridgeuniversity.edu |
Athens State University | www.athens.edu |
Auburn University | www.auburn.edu |
Auburn University at Montgomery | www.aum.edu |
Birmingham-Southern College | www.bsc.edu |
Concordia College-Selma | www.concordiaselma.edu |
Faulkner University | www.faulkner.edu |
Huntingdon College | www.huntingdon.edu |
Jacksonville State University | www.jsu.edu |
Judson University | www.judson.edu |
Miles College | www.miles.edu |
Mobile, University of | www.umobile.edu |
Montevallo, University of | www.montevallo.edu |
North Alabama, University of | www.una.edu |
Oakwood University | www.oakwood.edu |
Samford University | www.samford.edu |
South Alabama, University of | www.usouthal.edu |
Southeastern Bible College | www.sebc.edu |
Spring Hill College | www.shc.edu |
Stillman College | www.stillman.edu |
Talladega College | www.talladega.edu |
Troy University (main campus) - Dothan campus | dothan.troy.edu |
Troy University (main campus) - Montgomery campus | montgomery.troy.edu |
Tuskegee University | www.tuskegee.edu |
United States Sports Academy | www.ussa.edu |
West Alabama, University of | www.uwa.edu |
Arkansas | |
School Name | Website |
American Indian College of the Assemblies of God | www.aicag.edu |
Arkansas Baptist College | www.arkansasbaptist.edu |
Arkansas State University | www.astate.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Fayetteville | www.uark.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Fort Smith | www.uafortsmith.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Little Rock | www.ualr.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Medical Sciences | www.uams.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Monticello | www.uamont.edu |
Arkansas System, University of - Pine Bluff | www.uapb.edu |
Arkansas Tech University | www.atu.edu |
Central Arkansas, University of | www.uca.edu |
Central Baptist College | www.cbc.edu |
Harding University | www.harding.edu |
Henderson State University | www.hsu.edu |
Hendrix College | www.hendrix.edu |
John Brown University | www.jbu.edu |
Lyon College | www.lyon.edu |
Ouachita Baptist University | www.obu.edu |
Ozarks, University of the | www.ozarks.edu |
Philander Smith College | www.philander.edu |
Southern Arkansas University | www.saumag.edu |
Williams Baptist College | www.wbcoll.edu |
Arizona | |
School Name | Website |
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences | www.atsu.edu |
Arizona State University | www.asu.edu |
Arizona State University at the West Campus | www.west.asu.edu |
Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus | www.poly.asu.edu |
Arizona, University of | www.arizona.edu |
Art Center Design College | www.theartcenter.edu |
DeVry University-Phoenix | www.phx.devry.edu |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | www.erau.edu |
Grand Canyon University | www.gcu.edu |
Midwestern University-Glendale campus | www.midwestern.edu |
Northcentral University | www.ncu.edu |
Northern Arizona University | www.nau.edu |
Phoenix, University of | www.phoenix.edu |
Prescott College | www.prescott.edu |
Southwestern College | www.swcaz.edu |
Thunderbird School of Global Management | www.thunderbird.edu |
Western International University | www.west.edu |
California | |
School Name | Website |
Academy of Art University | www.academyart.edu |
Alliant International University | www.alliant.edu |
American Jewish University | www.ajula.edu |
Antioch University-Los Angeles | www.antiochla.edu |
Antioch University-Santa Barbara | www.antiochsb.edu |
Art Center College of Design | www.artcenter.edu |
Azusa Pacific University | www.apu.edu |
Bethany College | www.bethany.edu |
Bethesda Christian University | www.bcu.edu |
Biola University | www.biola.edu |
California Baptist University | www.calbaptist.edu |
California College of the Arts | www.cca.edu |
California Institute of Integral Studies | www.ciis.edu |
California Institute of Technology | www.caltech.edu |
California Institute of the Arts | www.calarts.edu |
California Lutheran University | www.callutheran.edu |
California Pacific University | www.cpu.edu |
California State University System - Bakersfield | www.csub.edu |
California State University System - California Maritime Academy | www.csum.edu |
California State University System - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | www.calpoly.edu |
California State University System - California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | www.csupomona.edu |
California State University System - Channel Islands | www.csuci.edu |
California State University System - Chico | www.csuchico.edu |
California State University System - Dominguez Hills | www.csudh.edu |
California State University System - East Bay | www.csueastbay.edu |
California State University System - Fresno | www.csufresno.edu |
California State University System - Fullerton | www.fullerton.edu |
California State University System - Humboldt State University | www.humboldt.edu |
California State University System - Long Beach | www.csulb.edu |
California State University System - Los Angeles | www.calstatela.edu |
California State University System - Monterey Bay | csumb.edu |
California State University System - Northridge | www.csun.edu |
California State University System - Sacramento | www.csus.edu |
California State University System - San Bernardino | www.csusb.edu |
California State University System - San Diego State University | www.sdsu.edu |
California State University System - San Francisco State University | www.sfsu.edu |
California State University System - San Jose State University | www.sjsu.edu |
California State University System - San Marcos | www.csusm.edu |
California State University System - Sonoma State University | www.sonoma.edu |
California State University System - Stanislaus | lead.csustan.edu |
California System, University of - Berkeley | www.berkeley.edu |
California System, University of - Irvine | www.uci.edu |
California System, University of - Los Angeles | www.ucla.edu |
California System, University of - Merced | www.ucmerced.edu |
California System, University of - Riverside | www.ucr.edu |
California System, University of - San Diego | www.ucsd.edu |
California System, University of - San Francisco | www.ucsf.edu |
California System, University of - Santa Barbara | www.ucsb.edu |
California System, University of - Santa Cruz | www.ucsc.edu |
California System, University of -Davis | www.ucdavis.edu |
California System, University of -Hastings College of the Law | www.uchastings.edu |
Chapman University | www.chapman.edu |
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science | www.cdrewu.edu |
Church Divinity School of the Pacific | www.cdsp.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Claremont Graduate University | www.cgu.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Claremont McKenna College | www.claremontmckenna.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Harvey Mudd College | www.hmc.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences | www.kgi.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Pitzer College | www.pitzer.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Pomona College | www.pomona.edu |
Claremont Consortium of Colleges - Scripps College | www.scrippscollege.edu |
Cogswell Polytechnical College | www.cogswell.edu |
Concordia University-Irvine | www.cui.edu |
DeVry University-Long Beach | www.lb.devry.edu |
DeVry University-Pomona | www.pom.devry.edu |
Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology | www.dspt.edu |
Dominican University of California | www.dominican.edu |
Fielding Graduate Institute | www.fielding.edu |
Franciscan School of Theology | www.fst.edu |
Fresno Pacific University | www.fresno.edu |
Fuller Theological Seminary | www.fuller.edu |
Golden Gate University | www.ggu.edu |
Graduate Theological Union | www.gtu.edu |
Holy Names University | www.hnu.edu |
Hope International University | www.hiu.edu |
Humphreys College | www.humphreys.edu |
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology | www.itp.edu |
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley | www.jstb.edu |
John F. Kennedy University | www.jfku.edu |
La Sierra University | www.lasierra.edu |
La Verne, University of | www.laverne.edu |
Life Pacific College | www.lifepacific.edu |
Lincoln University | www.lincolnuca.edu |
Loma Linda University | www.llu.edu |
Loyola Marymount University | www.lmu.edu |
Marymount College | www.marymountpv.edu |
Master's College, The | www.masters.edu |
Master's Seminary, The | www.tms.edu |
Menlo College | www.menlo.edu |
Mills College | www.mills.edu |
Monterey Institute of International Studies | www.miis.edu |
Mount Saint Mary's College | www.msmc.la.edu |
National Hispanic University | www.nhu.edu |
National University | www.nu.edu |
Naval Postgraduate School | www.nps.navy.mil |
Northern California, University of | www.uncm.edu |
Notre Dame de Namur University | www.ndnu.edu |
Occidental College | www.oxy.edu |
Otis College of Art & Design | www.otis.edu |
Pacific Oaks College | www.pacificoaks.edu |
Pacific Union College | www.puc.edu |
Pacific, University of the | www.pacific.edu |
Pacifica Graduate Institute | www.pacifica.edu |
Pardee RAND Graduate School | www.prgs.edu |
Patten College | www.patten.edu |
Pepperdine University | www.pepperdine.edu |
Platt College | www.platt.edu |
Point Loma Nazarene University | www.pointloma.edu |
Redlands, University of | www.redlands.edu |
Saint Mary's College of California | www.stmarys-ca.edu |
Samuel Merritt College | www.samuelmerritt.edu |
San Diego Christian College | www.sdcc.edu |
San Diego, University of | www.sandiego.edu |
San Francisco Art Institute | www.sfai.edu |
San Francisco, University of | www.usfca.edu |
Santa Clara University | www.scu.edu |
Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center | www.saybrook.edu |
Simpson University | www.simpsonuniversity.edu |
Soka University of America | www.soka.edu |
Southern California College of Optometry | www.scco.edu |
Southern California Institute of Architecture | www.sciarc.edu |
Southern California University of Health Sciences | www.scuhs.edu |
Southern California, University of | www.usc.edu |
Southwestern University School of Law | www.swlaw.edu |
Stanford University | www.stanford.edu |
Thomas Aquinas College | www.thomasaquinas.edu |
Vanguard University of Southern California | www.vanguard.edu |
West, University of the | www.uwest.edu |
Western State University College of Law | www.wsulaw.edu |
Western University of Health Sciences | www.westernu.edu |
Westminster Seminary California | www.wscal.edu |
Westmont College | www.westmont.edu |
Whittier College | www.whittier.edu |
William Howard Taft University | www.taftu.edu |
William Jessup University | www.jessup.edu |
Woodbury University | www.woodbury.edu |
Wright Institute, The | www.wi.edu |
Colorado | |
School Name | Website |
Adams State College | www.adams.edu |
Art Institute of Colorado | www.artinstitutes.edu/denver |
College for Financial Planning | www.cffp.edu |
Colorado Christian University | www.ccu.edu |
Colorado College | www.coloradocollege.edu |
Colorado School of Mines | www.mines.edu |
Colorado State University | www.colostate.edu |
Colorado State University-Pueblo | www.colostate-pueblo.edu |
Colorado System, University of - Boulder | www.colorado.edu |
Colorado System, University of - Colorado Springs | www.uccs.edu |
Colorado System, University of - Denver | www.cudenver.edu |
Colorado System, University of - Health Sciences Center | www.uchsc.edu |
Colorado Technical University | www.coloradotech.edu |
Denver Seminary | www.denverseminary.edu |
Denver. University of | www.du.edu |
Fort Lewis College | www.fortlewis.edu |
Granite State College | www.granite.edu |
Iliff School of Theology | www.iliff.edu |
Jones International University | www.jonesinternational.edu |
Mesa State College | www.mesastate.edu |
Metropolitan State College of Denver | www.mscd.edu |
Naropa University | www.naropa.edu |
National Theatre Conservatory | www.denvercenter.org/education/Nationaltheatreconservatory.aspx |
Nazarene Bible College | www.nbc.edu |
Northern Colorado, University of | www.unco.edu |
Regis University | www.regis.edu |
Rockies, University of the | www.rockies.edu |
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | www.rmcad.edu |
United States Air Force Academy | www.usafa.edu |
Western State College of Colorado | www.western.edu |
Connecticut | |
School Name | Website |
Albertus Magnus College | www.albertus.edu |
Bridgeport, University of | www.bridgeport.edu |
Central Connecticut State University | www.ccsu.edu |
Charter Oak State College | www.charteroak.edu |
Connecticut College | www.conncoll.edu |
Connecticut, University of | www.uconn.edu |
Eastern Connecticut State University | www.easternct.edu |
Fairfield University | www.fairfield.edu |
Hartford Seminary | www.hartsem.edu |
Hartford, University of | www.hartford.edu |
Holy Apostles College & Seminary | www.holyapostles.edu |
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts | www.lymeacademy.edu |
Mitchell College | www.mitchell.edu |
New Haven, University of | www.newhaven.edu |
Post University | www.post.edu |
Quinnipiac University | www.quinnipiac.edu |
Sacred Heart University | www.sacredheart.edu |
Saint Joseph College | www.sjc.edu |
Southern Connecticut State University | www.southernct.edu |
Trinity College | www.trincoll.edu/homepage.html |
United States Coast Guard Academy | www.uscga.edu |
Wesleyan University | www.wesleyan.edu |
Western Connecticut State University | www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu |
Yale University | www.yale.edu |
Delaware | |
School Name | Website |
Delaware State University | www.desu.edu |
Delaware, University of | www.udel.edu |
Goldey-Beacom College | goldey.gbc.edu |
Wesley College | www.wesley.edu |
Wilmington University | www.wilmu.edu |
Florida | |
School Name | Website |
Baptist College of Florida, The | www.baptistcollege.edu |
Barry University | www.barry.edu |
Beacon College | www.beaconcollege.edu |
Bethune-Cookman College | www.bethune.cookman.edu |
Carlos Albizu University-Miami | www.albizu.edu |
Central Florida, University of | www.ucf.edu |
Chipola College | www.chipola.edu |
Clearwater Christian College | www.clearwater.edu |
Daytona State College | www.daytonastate.edu |
DeVry University-Orlando | www.orl.devry.edu |
Eckerd College | www.eckerd.edu |
Edison State College | www.edison.edu |
Edward Waters College | www.ewc.edu |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | www.erau.edu |
Flagler College | www.flagler.edu |
Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University | www.famu.edu |
Florida Atlantic University | www.fau.edu |
Florida Christian College | www.fcc.edu |
Florida College | www.floridacollege.edu |
Florida Gulf Coast University | www.fgcu.edu |
Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences | www.fhchs.edu |
Florida Institute of Technology | www.fit.edu |
Florida International University | www.fiu.edu |
Florida Memorial University | www.fmuniv.edu |
Florida Metropolitan University | www.fmu.edu |
Florida Southern College | www.flsouthern.edu |
Florida State University - Panama City campus | www.pc.fsu.edu |
Florida, University of | www.ufl.edu |
Hobe Sound Bible College | www.hsbc.edu |
Hodges University | www.hodges.edu |
Indian River State College | www.irsc.edu |
Jacksonville University | www.ju.edu |
Jones College | www.jones.edu |
Keiser University | www.keiseruniversity.edu |
Lynn University | www.lynn.edu |
Miami International University of Art & Design | www.artinstitutes.edu/miami |
Miami, University of | www.miami.edu |
New College of Florida | www.ncf.edu |
North Florida, University of | www.unf.edu |
Northwest Florida State College | www.nwfsc.edu |
Northwood University | www.northwood.edu |
Nova Southeastern University | www.nova.edu |
Palm Beach Atlantic University | www.pba.edu |
Ringling School of Art & Design | www.ringling.edu |
Rollins College | www.rollins.edu |
Saint John Vianney College Seminary | www.sjvcs.edu |
Saint Leo College | www.saintleo.edu |
Saint Petersburg College | www.spjc.edu |
Saint Thomas University | www.stu.edu |
Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary | www.svdp.edu |
Santa Fe College | www.sfcollege.edu |
South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary | www.sfbc.edu |
South Florida, University of | www.usf.edu |
South Florida-Saint Petersburg, University of | www.stpt.usf.edu |
Southeastern University | www.seuniversity.edu |
Stetson University | www.stetson.edu |
Tampa, University of | www.ut.edu |
Trinity College of Florida | www.trinitycollege.edu |
Troy State University-Florida Region | www.tsufl.edu |
Warner Southern College | www.warner.edu |
Webber International University | www.webber.edu |
West Florida, University of | www.uwf.edu |
Georgia | |
School Name | Website |
Agnes Scott College | www.scottlan.edu |
Art Institute of Atlanta | www.artinstitutes.edu/atlanta |
Atlanta Christian College | www.acc.edu |
Augusta State University | www.aug.edu |
Bauder College | www.bauder.edu |
Berry College | www.berry.edu |
Brenau University | www.brenau.edu |
Brewton-Parker College | www.bpc.edu |
Clark Atlanta University | www.cau.edu |
College of Coastal Georgia | www.ccga.edu |
Columbia Theological Seminary | www.ctsnet.edu |
Covenant College | www.covenant.edu |
Dalton State College | www.daltonstate.edu |
Devry-Georgia, University of | www.atl.devry.edu |
Emmanuel College | www.ec.ed |
Emory University | www.emory.edu |
Georgia Gwinnett College | www.ggc.usg.edu |
Interdenominational Theological Center | www.itc.edu |
LaGrange College | www.lagrange.edu |
Life University | www.life.edu |
Mercer University | www.mercer.edu |
Morehouse College | www.morehouse.edu |
Morehouse School of Medicine | www.msm.edu |
Oglethorpe University | www.oglethorpe.edu |
Paine College | www.paine.edu |
Piedmont College | www.piedmont.edu |
Reinhardt College | www.reinhardt.edu |
Richmont Graduate University | www.richmont.edu |
Savannah College of Art & Design | www.scad.edu |
Shorter College | www.shorter.edu |
South University | www.southuniversity.edu |
Spelman College | www.spelman.edu |
Thomas University | www.thomasu.edu |
Toccoa Falls College | www.tfc.edu |
Truett-McConnell College | www.truett.edu |
University System of Georgia - Albany State University | www.asurams.edu |
University System of Georgia - Armstrong Atlantic State University | www.armstrong.edu |
University System of Georgia - Augusta State University | www.aug.edu |
University System of Georgia - Clayton College & State University | www.clayton.edu |
University System of Georgia - Columbus State University | www.colstate.edu |
University System of Georgia - Fort Valley State University | www.fvsu.edu |
University System of Georgia - Gainesville State College | www.gsc.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia College & State University | www.gcsu.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia Institute of Technology | www.gatech.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia Southern University | www.georgiasouthern.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia Southwestern State University | www.gsw.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia State University | www.gsu.edu |
University System of Georgia - Georgia, University of | www.uga.edu |
University System of Georgia - Kennesaw State University | www.kennesaw.edu |
University System of Georgia - Macon State College | www.maconstate.edu |
University System of Georgia - Medical College of Georgia | www.mcg.edu |
University System of Georgia - North Georgia College & State University | www.ngcsu.edu |
University System of Georgia - Savannah State University | www.savannahstate.edu |
University System of Georgia - Southern Polytechnic State University | www.spsu.edu |
University System of Georgia - State University of West Georgia | www.westga.edu |
University System of Georgia - Valdosta State University | www.valdosta.edu |
Wesleyan College | www.wesleyancollege.edu |
Young Harris College | www.yhc.edu |
Hawaii | |
School Name | Website |
Brigham Young University-Hawaii | www.byuh.edu |
Chaminade University | www.chaminade.edu |
Hawaii Pacific University | www.hpu.edu |
Hawaii System, University of - Hilo | www.uhh.hawaii.edu |
Hawaii System, University of - Manoa | www.uhm.hawaii.edu |
Hawaii System, University of - West O'ahu | www.uhwo.hawaii.edu |
Iowa | |
School Name | Website |
Allen College | www.allencollege.edu |
Ashford University | www.ashford.edu |
Briar Cliff University | www.briarcliff.edu |
Buena Vista University | www.bvu.edu |
Central College | www.central.edu |
Clarke College | www.clarke.edu |
Coe College | www.coe.edu |
Cornell College | www.cornellcollege.edu |
Des Moines University-Osteopathic Medical Center | www.dmu.edu |
Divine Word College | www.dwci.edu |
Dordt College | www.dordt.edu |
Drake University | www.drake.edu |
Dubuque, University of | www.dbq.edu |
Emmaus Bible College | www.emmaus.edu |
Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary | www.faith.edu |
Graceland University | www.graceland.edu |
Grand View University | www.grandview.edu |
Grinnell College | www.grinnell.edu |
Iowa State University | www.iastate.edu |
Iowa Wesleyan College | www.iwc.edu |
Iowa, University of | |
Kaplan University | www.kaplan.edu |
Loras College | www.loras.edu |
Luther College | www.luther.edu |
Maharishi University of Management | www.mum.edu |
Mercy College of Health Sciences | www.mchs.edu |
Morningside College | www.morningside.edu |
Mount Mercy College | www.mtmercy.edu |
Northern Iowa, University of | www.uni.edu |
Northwestern College | www.nwciowa.edu |
Palmer College of Chiropractic | www.palmer.edu |
Saint Ambrose University | www.sau.edu |
Simpson College | www.simpson.edu |
Upper Iowa University | www.uiu.edu |
Waldorf College | www.waldorf.edu |
Wartburg College | www.wartburg.edu |
Wartburg Theological Seminary | www.wartburgseminary.edu |
William Penn University | www.wmpenn.edu |
Idaho | |
School Name | Website |
Boise State University | www.idbsu.edu |
Brigham Young University-Idaho | www.byui.edu |
College of Idaho, The | www.collegeofidaho.edu |
Idaho State University | www.isu.edu |
Idaho, University of | www.uidaho.edu |
Lewis-Clark State College | www.lcsc.edu |
Northwest Nazarene University | www.nnu.edu |
Illinois | |
School Name | Website |
Adler School of Professional Psychology | www.adler.edu |
American College of Education | www.ace.edu |
American InterContinental University | www.aiuniv.edu |
Argosy University | www.argosy.edu |
Augustana College | www.augustana.edu |
Aurora University | www.aurora.edu |
Benedictine University | www.ben.edu |
Blackburn College | www.blackburn.edu |
Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing | www.brcn.edu |
Bradley University | www.bradley.edu |
Catholic Theological Union | www.ctu.edu |
Chicago School of Professional Psychology, The | www.thechicagoschool.edu |
Chicago State University | www.csu.edu |
Chicago, University of | www.uchicago.edu |
Columbia College Chicago | www.colum.edu |
Concordia University-Chicago | www.cuchicago.edu |
DePaul University | www.depaul.edu |
DeVry University | www.devry.edu |
DeVry University-Chicago | www.chi.devry.edu |
DeVry University-DuPage | www.dpg.devry.edu |
Dominican University | www.dom.edu |
East-West University | www.eastwest.edu |
Eastern Illinois University | www.eiu.edu |
Ellis University | www.ellis.edu |
Elmhurst College | public.elmhurst.edu |
Erikson Institute | www.erikson.edu |
Eureka College | www.eureka.edu |
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary | www.garrett.edu |
Governors State University | www.govst.edu |
Greenville College | www.greenville.edu |
Hebrew Theological College | www.htc.edu |
Illinois College | www.ic.edu |
Illinois College of Optometry | www.ico.edu |
Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago | www.artinstitutes.edu/chicago |
Illinois Institute of Art-Schaumburg | www.artinstitutes.edu/schaumburg |
Illinois Institute of Technology | www.iit.edu |
Illinois State University | www.ilstu.edu |
Illinois State University | |
Illinois System, University of - Chicago | www.uic.edu |
Illinois System, University of - Springfield | www.uis.edu |
Illinois System, University of - Urbana-Champaign | illinois.edu |
Illinois Wesleyan University | www.iwu.edu |
John Marshall Law School | www.jmls.edu |
Judson University | www.judsonu.edu |
Kendall College | www.kendall.edu |
Knowledge Systems Institute | www.ksi.edu |
Knox College | www.knox.edu |
Lake Forest College | www.lakeforest.edu |
Lake Forest Graduate School of Management | www.lakeforestmba.edu |
Lakeview College of Nursing | www.lakeviewcol.edu |
Lewis University | www.lewisu.edu |
Lexington College | www.lexingtoncollege.edu |
Lincoln Christian College & Seminary | www.lccs.edu |
Lincoln College | www.lincolncollege.edu |
Loyola University Chicago | www.luc.edu |
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago | www.lstc.edu |
MacMurray College | www.mac.edu |
McCormick Theological Seminary | www.mccormick.edu |
McKendree University | www.mckendree.edu |
Midstate College | www.midstate.edu |
Midwestern University | www.midwestern.edu |
Millikin University | www.millikin.edu |
Monmouth College | www.monm.edu |
Moody Bible Institute | mmm.moody.edu/GenMoody/default.asp |
National University of Health Sciences | www.nuhs.edu |
National-Louis University | www.nl.edu |
North Central College | www.northcentralcollege.edu |
North Park University | www.northpark.edu |
Northeastern Illinois University | www.neiu.edu |
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary | www.seminary.edu |
Northern Illinois University | www.niu.edu |
Northwestern University | www.northwestern.edu |
Olivet Nazarene University | www.olivet.edu |
Principia College | www.prin.edu |
Quincy University | www.quincy.edu |
Robert Morris College | www.robertmorris.edu |
Rockford College | www.rockford.edu |
Roosevelt University | www.roosevelt.edu |
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science | www.rosalindfranklin.edu |
Rush University | www.rushu.rush.edu |
Saint Anthony College of Nursing | www.sacn.edu |
Saint Augustine College | www.staugustinecollege.edu |
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing | www.sfmccon.edu |
Saint Francis, University of | www.stfrancis.edu |
Saint John's College | www.st-johns.org/education/schools/nursing |
Saint Xavier University | www.sxu.edu |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago | www.saic.edu |
Seabury-Western Theological Seminary | www.seabury.edu |
Shimer College | www.shimer.edu |
Southern Illinois University System - Carbondale | www.siuc.edu |
Southern Illinois University System - Edwardsville | www.siue.edu |
Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies | www.spertus.edu |
Trinity Christian College | www.trnty.edu |
Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences | www.trinitycollegeqc.edu |
Trinity International University | www.tiu.edu |
VanderCook College of Music | www.vandercook.edu |
West Suburban College of Nursing | www.wscn.edu |
Western Illinois University | www.wiu.edu |
Wheaton College | www.wheaton.edu |
Indiana | |
School Name | Website |
Anderson University | www.anderson.edu |
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary | www.ambs.edu |
Ball State University | www.bsu.edu |
Bethany Theological Seminary | www.bethanyseminary.edu |
Bethel College | www.bethelcollege.edu |
Butler University | www.butler.edu |
Calumet College of Saint Joseph | www.ccsj.edu |
Christian Theological Seminary | www.cts.edu |
Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne | www.ctsfw.edu |
DePauw University | www.depauw.edu |
Earlham College | www.earlham.edu |
Evansville, University of | www.evansville.edu |
Franklin College | www.franklincollege.edu |
Goshen College | www.goshen.edu |
Grace College & Seminary | www.grace.edu |
Hanover College | www.hanover.edu |
Holy Cross College | www.hcc-nd.edu |
Huntington University | www.huntington.edu |
Indiana Institute of Technology | www.indianatech.edu |
Indiana State University | www.indstate.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-Bloomington | www.iub.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-East | www.iue.indiana.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-Kokomo | www.iuk.indiana.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-Northwest | www.iun.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-South Bend | www.iusb.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University-Southeast | www.ius.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Columbus | www.iupuc.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne | www.ipfw.edu |
Indiana University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis | www.iupui.edu |
Indiana Wesleyan University | www.indwes.edu |
Indiana Wesleyan University | |
Indianapolis, University of | www.uindy.edu |
Manchester College | www.manchester.edu |
Marian College | www.marian.edu |
Martin University | www.martin.edu |
Notre Dame, University of | www.nd.edu |
Oakland City University | www.oak.edu |
Purdue University System - College of Technology at South Bend/Elkhart | www.tech.purdue.edu/southbend |
Purdue University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Columbus | www.iupuc.edu |
Purdue University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne | www.ipfw.edu |
Purdue University System - Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis | www.iupui.edu |
Purdue University System - Purdue University | www.purdue.edu |
Purdue University System - Purdue University Calumet | www.calumet.purdue.edu |
Purdue University System - Purdue University North Central | www.pnc.edu |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at Anderson/Muncie | www.tech.purdue.edu/anderson |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at Columbus/Greensburg | www.tech.purdue.edu/columbus |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at Indianapolis | www.tech.purdue.edu/indy |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at Kokomo | www.tech.purdue.edu/kokomo |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at New Albany | www.tech.purdue.edu/newalbany |
Purdue University System - School of Technology at Richmond | www.tech.purdue.edu/richmond |
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | www.rose-hulman.edu |
Saint Francis, University of | www.sf.edu |
Saint Joseph's College | www.saintjoe.edu |
Saint Mary's College | www.saintmarys.edu |
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | www.smwc.edu |
Saint Meinrad School of Theology | www.saintmeinrad.edu |
Southern Indiana, University of | www.usi.edu |
Taylor University | www.taylor.edu |
TCM International Institute | www.tcmi.org |
Trine University | www.trine.edu |
Valparaiso University | www.valpo.edu |
Wabash College | www.wabash.edu |
Kansas | |
School Name | Website |
Baker University | www.bakeru.edu |
Benedictine College | www.benedictine.edu |
Bethany College | www.bethanylb.edu |
Bethel College | www.bethelks.edu |
Brown Mackie College | www.brownmackie.edu |
Central Baptist Theological Seminary | www.cbts.edu |
Central Christian College of Kansas | www.centralchristian.edu |
Cleveland Chiropractic College | www.cleveland.edu |
Emporia State University | www.emporia.edu |
Fort Hays State University | www.fhsu.edu |
Friends University | www.friends.edu |
Haskell Indian Nations University | www.haskell.edu |
Kansas State University | www.k-state.edu |
Kansas State University-Salina College of Technology & Aviation | www.sal.ksu.edu |
Kansas Wesleyan University | www.kwu.edu |
Manhattan Christian College | www.mccks.edu |
McPherson College | www.mcpherson.edu |
MidAmerica Nazarene College | www.mnu.edu |
Newman University | www.newmanu.edu |
Ottawa University | www.ottawa.edu |
Pittsburg State University | www.pittstate.edu |
Southwestern College | www.sckans.edu |
Sterling College | www.sterling.edu |
Tabor College | www.tabor.edu |
United States Army Command & General Staff College | usacac.army.mil/cac2/cgsc |
University of Kansas | www.ku.edu |
University of Kansas Medical Center | www.kumc.edu |
University of Saint Mary | www.stmary.edu |
Washburn University | www.washburn.edu |
Wichita State University | www.wichita.edu |
Kentucky | |
School Name | Website |
Alice Lloyd College | www.alc.edu |
Asbury College | www.asbury.edu |
Asbury Theological Seminary | www.asburyseminary.edu |
Bellarmine University | www.bellarmine.edu |
Berea College | www.berea.edu |
Brescia University | www.brescia.edu |
Campbellsville University | www.campbellsville.edu |
Centre College | www.centre.edu |
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College | www.ccbbc.edu |
Cumberlands, University of the | www.ucumberlands.edu |
Eastern Kentucky University | www.eku.edu |
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing | www.midwives.org |
Georgetown College | www.georgetowncollege.edu |
Kentucky Christian University | www.kcu.edu |
Kentucky Mountain Bible College | www.kmbc.edu |
Kentucky State University | www.kysu.edu |
Kentucky Wesleyan College | www.kwc.edu |
Kentucky, University of | www.uky.edu |
Lexington Theological Seminary | www.lextheo.edu |
Lindsey Wilson College | www.lindsey.edu |
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary | www.lpts.edu |
Louisville, University of | www.louisville.edu |
Mid-Continent College | www.midcontinent.edu |
Midway College | www.midway.edu |
Morehead State University | www.moreheadstate.edu |
Murray State University | www.murraystate.edu |
Northern Kentucky University | www.nku.edu |
Pikeville College | www.pc.edu |
Saint Catharine College | www.sccky.edu |
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | www.sbts.edu |
Spalding University | www.spalding.edu |
Sullivan University | www.sullivan.edu |
Thomas More College | www.thomasmore.edu |
Transylvania University | www.transy.edu |
Union College | www.unionky.edu |
Western Kentucky University | www.wku.edu |
Louisiana | |
School Name | Website |
Alexandria - Baton Rouge | www.lsu.edu |
Alexandria - Health Sciences Center | www.lsuhsc.edu |
Alexandria - Shreveport | www.lsus.edu |
Alexandria - University of New Orleans | www.uno.edu |
Centenary College of Louisiana | www.centenary.edu |
Dillard University | www.dillard.edu |
Grambling State University | www.gram.edu |
Louisiana College | www.lacollege.edu |
Louisiana State University System | www.lsusystem.edu |
Louisiana System, University of - Lafayette | www.ull.edu |
Louisiana System, University of - Monroe | www.ulm.edu |
Louisiana Tech University | www.latech.edu |
Loyola University New Orleans | www.loyno.edu |
McNeese State University | www.mcneese.edu |
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary | www.nobts.edu |
Nicholls State University | www.nicholls.edu |
Northwestern State University of Louisiana | www.nsula.edu |
Notre Dame Seminary | www.nds.edu |
Our Lady of Holy Cross College | www.olhcc.edu |
Our Lady of the Lake College | www.ololcollege.edu |
Southeastern Louisiana University | www.selu.edu |
Southern University System - Baton Rouge | www.subr.edu |
Southern University System - New Orleans | www.suno.edu |
Tulane University | www.tulane.edu |
Xavier University of Louisiana | www.xula.edu |
Massachusetts | |
School Name | Website |
American International College | www.aic.edu |
Amherst College | www.amherst.edu |
Andover Newton Theological School | www.ants.edu |
Anna Maria College | www.annamaria.edu |
Assumption College | www.assumption.edu |
Atlantic Union College | www.auc.edu |
Babson College | www.babson.edu |
Bay Path College | www.baypath.edu |
Becker College | www.becker.edu |
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology | www.bfit.edu |
Bentley College | www.bentley.edu |
Berklee College of Music | www.berklee.edu |
Boston Architectural College | www.the-bac.edu |
Boston College | www.bc.edu |
Boston Conservatory | www.bostonconservatory.edu |
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis | www.bgsp.edu |
Boston University | www.bu.edu |
Brandeis University | www.brandeis.edu |
Bridgewater State College | www.bridgew.edu |
Cambridge College | www.cambridgecollege.edu |
Clark University | www.clarku.edu |
Curry College | www.curry.edu |
Eastern Nazarene College | www.enc.edu |
Elms College | www.elms.edu |
Emerson College | www.emerson.edu |
Emmanuel College | www.emmanuel.edu |
Endicott College | www.endicott.edu |
Fisher College | www.fisher.edu |
Fitchburg State College | www.fsc.edu |
Framingham State College | www.framingham.edu |
Gordon College | www.gordon.edu |
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary | www.gcts.edu |
Hampshire College | www.hampshire.edu |
Harvard University | www.harvard.edu |
Hebrew College | www.hebrewcollege.edu |
Holy Cross, College of the | www.holycross.edu |
Hult International Business School | www.hult.edu |
Lasell College | www.lasell.edu |
Lesley University | www.lesley.edu |
Massachuetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences | www.mcphs.edu |
Massachusetts College of Art | www.massart.edu |
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | www.mcla.edu |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | web.mit.edu |
Massachusetts Maritime Academy | www.maritime.edu |
Massachusetts School of Law | www.mslaw.edu |
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology | www.mspp.edu |
Massachusetts System, University of - Amherst | www.umass.edu |
Massachusetts System, University of - Boston | www.umb.edu |
Massachusetts System, University of - Dartmouth | www.umassd.edu |
Massachusetts System, University of - Lowell | www.uml.edu |
Massachusetts System, University of - Medical School at Worcester | www.umassmed.edu |
Merrimack College | www.merrimack.edu |
Mount Holyoke College | www.mtholyoke.edu |
Mount Ida College | www.mountida.edu |
New England College of Optometry | www.neco.edu |
New England Conservatory of Music | www.newenglandconservatory.edu |
Newbury College | www.newbury.edu |
Nichols College | www.nichols.edu |
Northeastern University | www.northeastern.edu |
Notre Dame of Maryland, College of | |
Pine Manor College | www.pmc.edu |
Regis College | www.regiscollege.edu |
Salem State College | www.salemstate.edu |
Simmons College | www.simmons.edu |
Simon's Rock College | www.simons-rock.edu |
Smith College | www.smith.edu |
Springfield College | www.spfldcol.edu |
Stonehill College | www.stonehill.edu |
Suffolk University | www.suffolk.edu |
Tufts University | www.tufts.edu |
Wellesley College | www.wellesley.edu |
Wentworth Institute of Technology | www.wit.edu |
Western New England College | www.wnec.edu |
Westfield State College | www.wsc.mass.edu |
Wheaton College | www.wheatoncollege.edu |
Wheelock College | www.wheelock.edu |
Williams College | www.williams.edu |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | www.wpi.edu |
Worcester State College | www.worcester.edu |
Maryland | |
School Name | Website |
Baltimore Hebrew University | www.bhu.edu |
Baltimore International College | www.bic.edu |
Baltimore, University of | www.ubalt.edu |
Bowie State University | www.bowiestate.edu |
Capitol College | www.capitol-college.edu |
Chesapeake College | www.chesapeake.edu |
College of Notre Dame of Maryland | www.ndm.edu |
Columbia Union College | www.cuc.edu |
Coppin State University | www.coppin.edu |
Frostburg State University | www.frostburg.edu |
Goucher College | www.goucher.edu |
Hood College | www.hood.edu |
Johns Hopkins University | www.jhu.edu |
Loyola College | www.loyola.edu |
Maryland institute, College of Art | www.mica.edu |
Maryland System, University of - Baltimore | www.umaryland.edu |
Maryland System, University of - Baltimore County | www.umbc.edu |
Maryland System, University of - College Park | www.umcp.umd.edu |
Maryland System, University of - University College | www.umuc.edu |
Maryland System, University of - Eastern Shore | www.umes.edu |
McDaniel College | www.mcdaniel.edu |
Morgan State University | www.morgan.edu |
Mount Saint Mary's University | www.msmary.edu |
National Labor College | www.nlc.edu |
Saint John's College-Annapolis | www.sjca.edu |
Saint Mary's College of Maryland | www.smcm.edu |
Saint Mary's Seminary & University | www.stmarys.edu |
Salisbury University | www.salisbury.edu |
Soujourner-Douglass College | www.sdc.edu |
Stevenson University | www.stevenson.edu |
Tai Sophia Institute | www.tai.edu |
Towson University | www.towson.edu |
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, The | www.usuhs.mil |
United States Naval Academy | www.usna.edu |
United States Naval Academy | |
Washington Bible College | www.bible.edu |
Washington College | www.washcoll.edu |
Maine | |
School Name | Website |
Atlantic, College of the | www.coa.edu |
Bates College | www.bates.edu |
Bowdoin College | www.bowdoin.edu |
Colby College | www.colby.edu |
Husson College | www.husson.edu |
Maine College of Art | www.meca.edu |
Maine Maritime Academy | www.mainemaritime.edu |
Maine System, University of - Augusta | www.uma.edu |
Maine System, University of - Farmington | www.umf.maine.edu |
Maine System, University of - Fort Kent | www.umfk.maine.edu |
Maine System, University of - Machias | www.umm.maine.edu |
Maine System, University of - Orono | www.umaine.edu |
Maine System, University of - Presque Isle | www.umpi.edu |
Maine System, University of - School of Law | mainelaw.maine.edu |
Maine System, University of - University of Southern Maine | www.usm.maine.edu |
New England, University of | www.une.edu |
Saint Joseph's College | www.sjcme.edu |
Thomas College | www.thomas.edu |
Unity College | www.unity.edu |
Michigan | |
School Name | Website |
Adrian College | www.adrian.edu |
Adrian College | |
Albion College | www.albion.edu |
Alma College | www.alma.edu |
Andrews University | www.andrews.edu |
Aquinas College | www.aquinas.edu |
Baker College | www.baker.edu |
Calvin College | www.calvin.edu |
Central Michigan University | www.cmich.edu |
College for Creative Studies | www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu |
Concordia College-Ann Arbor | www.cuaa.edu |
Cornerstone University | www.cornerstone.edu |
Cranbrook Academy of Art | www.cranbrookart.edu |
Davenport University | www.davenport.edu |
Detroit Mercy, University of | www.udmercy.edu |
Eastern Michigan University | www.emich.edu |
Ferris State University - Kendall College of Art & Design | www.kcad.edu |
Finlandia University | www.finlandia.edu |
Grace Bible College | www.gbcol.edu |
Grand Valley State University | www.gvsu.edu |
Great Lakes Christian College | www.glcc.edu |
Hillsdale College | www.hillsdale.edu |
Hope College | www.hope.edu |
Kalamazoo College | www.kzoo.edu |
Kettering University | www.kettering.edu |
Kuyper College | www.kuyper.edu |
Lake Superior State University | www.lssu.edu |
Lawrence Technological University | www.ltu.edu |
Madonna University | www.madonna.edu |
Marygrove College | www.marygrove.edu |
Michigan School of Professional Psychology | www.mispp.edu |
Michigan State University | www.msu.edu |
Michigan System, University of - Ann Arbor | www.umich.edu |
Michigan System, University of - Dearborn | www.umd.umich.edu |
Michigan System, University of - Flint | www.umflint.edu |
Michigan Technological University | www.mtu.edu |
Miller College | www.millercollege.edu |
Northern Michigan University | www.nmu.edu |
Northwood University | www.northwood.edu |
Oakland University | www.oakland.edu |
Olivet College | www.olivetcollege.edu |
Rochester College | www.rc.edu |
Sacred Heart Major Seminary | www.aodonline.org/shms/shms.htm |
Saginaw Valley State University | www.svsu.edu |
Siena Heights University | www.sienaheights.edu |
Spring Arbor University | www.spring.arbor.edu |
Thomas M. Cooley Law School | www.cooley.edu |
Walsh College | www.walshcollege.edu |
Wayne State University | www.wayne.edu |
Western Michigan University | www.wmich.edu |
Minnesota | |
School Name | Website |
Alfred Adler Institute | www.alfredadler.edu |
Augsburg College | www.augsburg.edu |
Bethany Lutheran College | www.blc.edu |
Bethel University & Seminary | www.bethel.edu |
Capella University | www.capella.edu |
Carleton College | www.carleton.edu |
Concordia College-Moorhead | www.cord.edu |
Concordia University-Saint Paul | www.csp.edu |
Crossroads College | www.crossroadscollege.edu |
Crown College | www.crown.edu |
Dunwoody College of Technology | www.dunwoody.edu |
Gustavus Adolphus College | www.gustavus.edu |
Hamline University | www.hamline.edu |
Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies | www.hazelden.org |
Luther Seminary | www.luthersem.edu |
Macalester College | www.macalester.edu |
Martin Luther College | www.mlc-wels.edu |
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine | www.mayo.edu |
Minneapolis College of Art & Design | www.mcad.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Bemidji State University | www.bemidjistate.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Metropolitan State University | www.metrostate.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Minnesota State University, Mankato | www.mnsu.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Minnesota State University, Moorhead | www.mnstate.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Saint Cloud State University | www.stcloudstate.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Southwest Minnesota State University | www.smsu.edu |
Minnesota State College & University System - Winona State University | www.winona.edu |
Minnesota System, University of - Crookston | www.crk.umn.edu |
Minnesota System, University of - Duluth | www.d.umn.edu |
Minnesota System, University of - Morris | www.morris.umn.edu |
Minnesota System, University of - Twin Cities | www.umn.edu |
North Central University | www.northcentral.edu |
Northwestern College | www.nwc.edu |
Northwestern Health Sciences University | www.nwhealth.edu |
Oak Hills Christian College | www.oakhills.edu |
Pillsbury Baptist Bible College | www.pillsbury.edu |
Rasmussen College | www.rasmussen.edu |
Saint Benedict, College of | www.csbsju.edu |
Saint Catherine, College of | www.stkate.edu |
Saint John's University | www.csbsju.edu |
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota | www.smumn.edu |
Saint Olaf College | www.stolaf.edu |
Saint Scholastica, College of | www.css.edu |
Saint Thomas, University of | www.stthomas.edu |
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities | www.unitedseminary.edu |
Visual Arts, College of | www.cva.edu |
Walden University | www.waldenu.edu |
Missouri | |
School Name | Website |
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences | www.atsu.edu |
Aquinas Institute of Theology | www.ai.edu |
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary | www.agts.edu |
Avila University | www.avila.edu |
Baptist Bible College | www.baptist.edu |
Calvary Bible College & Theological Seminary | www.calvary.edu |
Central Bible College | www.cbcag.edu |
Central Christian College of the Bible | www.cccb.edu |
Central Methodist University | www.centralmethodist.edu |
Central Missouri, University of | www.ucmo.edu |
Chamberlain College of Nursing | www.chamberlain.edu |
College of the Ozarks | www.cofo.edu |
Columbia College | www.ccis.edu |
Conception Seminary College | www.conception.edu |
Concordia Seminary-Saint Louis | www.csl.edu |
Covenant Theological Seminary | www.covenantseminary.edu |
Cox College of Nursing & Health Sciences | www.coxcollege.edu |
Culver-Stockton College | www.culver.edu |
DeVry University-Kansas City | www.kc.devry.edu |
Drury University | www.drury.edu |
Eden Theological Seminary | www.eden.edu |
Evangel University | www.evangel.edu |
Fontbonne University | www.fontbonne.edu |
Forest Institute of Professional Psychology | www.forest.edu |
Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College | www.barnesjewishcollege.edu |
Hannibal-Lagrange College | www.hlg.edu |
Harris-Stowe State University | www.hssu.edu |
Kansas City Art Institute | www.kcai.edu |
Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences | www.kcumb.edu |
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary | www.kenrick.edu |
Lincoln University | www.lincolnu.edu |
Lindenwood University | www.lindenwood.edu |
Logan University | www.logan.edu |
Maryville University of Saint Louis | www.maryville.edu |
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | www.mbts.edu |
Missouri Baptist University | www.mobap.edu |
Missouri Southern State University | www.mssu.edu |
Missouri State University | www.missouristate.edu |
Missouri System, University of - Columbia | www.missouri.edu |
Missouri System, University of - Kansas City | www.umkc.edu |
Missouri System, University of - Missouri University of Science & Technology | www.mst.edu |
Missouri System, University of - Saint Louis | www.umsl.edu |
Missouri Valley College | www.moval.edu |
Missouri Western State University | www.missouriwestern.edu |
Northwest Missouri State University | www.nwmissouri.edu |
Ozark Christian College | www.occ.edu |
Park University | www.park.edu |
Research College of Nursing | www.researchcollege.edu |
Rockhurst University | www.rockhurst.edu |
Saint Louis College of Pharmacy | www.stlcop.edu |
Saint Louis University | www.slu.edu |
Saint Luke's College | www.saintlukescollege.edu.edu |
Saint Paul School of Theology | www.spst.edu |
Southeast Missouri State University | www.semo.edu |
Southwest Baptist University | www.sbuniv.edu |
Stephens College | www.stephens.edu |
Truman State University | www.truman.edu |
Washington University in Saint Louis | www.wustl.edu |
Webster University | www.webster.edu |
Westminster College | www.westminster-mo.edu |
William Jewell College | www.jewell.edu |
William Woods University | www.williamwoods.edu |
Mississippi | |
School Name | Website |
Alcorn State University | www.alcorn.edu |
Belhaven College | www.belhaven.edu |
Blue Mountain College | www.bmc.edu |
Delta State University | www.deltastate.edu |
Jackson State University | www.jsums.edu |
Magnolia Bible College | www.magnolia.edu |
Millsaps College | www.millsaps.edu |
Mississippi College | www.mc.edu |
Mississippi Medical Center, University of | www.umc.edu |
Mississippi State University | www.msstate.edu |
Mississippi University for Women | www.muw.edu |
Mississippi Valley State University | www.mvsu.edu |
Mississippi, University of | www.olemiss.edu |
Rust College | www.rustcollege.edu |
Southern Mississippi, University of | www.usm.edu |
Tougaloo College | www.tougaloo.edu |
William Carey College | www.wmcarey.edu |
Montana | |
School Name | Website |
Carroll College | www.carroll.edu |
Great Falls, University of | www.ugf.edu |
Montana State University System - Billings | www.msubillings.edu |
Montana State University System - Bozeman | www.montana.edu |
Montana State University System - Northern | www.msun.edu |
Montana System, University of - Montana Tech | www.mtech.edu |
Montana System, University of - University of Montana-Missoula | www.umt.edu |
Montana System, University of - University of Montana-Western | www.umwestern.edu |
Rocky Mountain College | www.rocky.edu |
Salish Kootenai College | www.skc.edu |
North Carolina | |
School Name | Website |
Appalachian State University | www.appstate.edu |
Barton College | www.barton.edu |
Belmont Abbey College | www.belmontabbeycollege.edu |
Bennett College | www.bennett.edu |
Brevard College | www.brevard.edu |
Cabarrus College of Health Sciences | www.cabarruscollege.edu |
Campbell University | www.campbell.edu |
Catawba College | www.catawba.edu |
Chowan College | www.chowan.edu |
Davidson College | www.davidson.edu |
Duke University | www.duke.edu |
East Carolina University | www.ecu.edu |
Elizabeth City State University | www.ecsu.edu |
Elon University | www.elon.edu |
Fayetteville State University | www.uncfsu.edu |
Gardner-Webb University | www.gardner-webb.edu |
Greensboro College | www.greensborocollege.edu |
Guilford College | www.guilford.edu |
High Point University | www.highpoint.edu |
Johnson C. Smith University | www.jcsu.edu |
Lees-McRae College | www.lmc.edu |
Lenoir-Rhyne College | www.lrc.edu |
Livingstone College | www.livingstone.edu |
Louisburg College | www.louisburg.edu |
Mars Hill College | www.mhc.edu |
Meredith College | www.meredith.edu |
Methodist University | www.methodist.edu |
Montreat College | www.montreat.edu |
Mount Olive College | www.moc.edu |
North Carolina A&T State University | www.ncat.edu |
North Carolina Central University | www.nccu.edu |
North Carolina School of the Arts | www.ncarts.edu |
North Carolina State University | www.ncsu.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Asheville | www.unca.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Chapel Hill | www.unc.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Charlotte | www.uncc.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Greensboro | www.uncg.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Pembroke | www.uncp.edu |
North Carolina System, University of - Wilmington | www.uncw.edu |
North Carolina Wesleyan College | www.ncwc.edu |
Peace College | www.peace.edu |
Pfeiffer University | www.pfeiffer.edu |
Piedmont Baptist College | www.pbc.edu |
Queens University of Charlotte | www.queens.edu |
Roanoke Bible College | www.roanokebible.edu |
Saint Andrews Presbyterian College | www.sapc.edu |
Saint Augustine's College | www.st-aug.edu |
Salem College | www.salem.edu |
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary | www.sebts.edu |
Wake Forest University | www.wfu.edu |
Warren Wilson College | www.warren-wilson.edu |
Western Carolina University | www.wcu.edu |
Wingate University | www.wingate.edu |
Winston-Salem State University | www.wssu.edu |
North Dakota | |
School Name | Website |
Dickinson State University | www.dickinsonstate.edu |
Jamestown College | www.jc.edu |
Mary, University of | www.umary.edu |
Mayville State University | www.masu.nodak.edu |
Medcenter One College of Nursing | medcenterone.com/collegeofnursing |
Minot State University | www.minotstateu.edu |
North Dakota State University | www.ndsu.edu |
North Dakota, University of | www.und.nodak.edu |
Trinity Bible College | www.trinitybiblecollege.edu |
Valley City State University | www.vcsu.edu |
Nebraska | |
School Name | Website |
Bellevue University | www.bellevue.edu |
Chadron State College | www.csc.edu |
Clarkson College | www.clarksoncollege.edu |
College of Saint Mary | www.csm.edu |
Concordia University-Nebraska | www.cune.edu |
Creighton University | www.creighton.edu |
Dana College | www.dana.edu |
Doane College | www.doane.edu |
Grace University | www.graceuniversity.edu |
Hastings College | www.hastings.edu |
Midland Lutheran College | www.mlc.edu |
Nebraska Christian College | www.nechristian.edu |
Nebraska Methodist College | www.methodistcollege.edu |
Nebraska System, University of - Kearney | www.unk.edu |
Nebraska System, University of - Lincoln | www.unl.edu |
Nebraska System, University of - Medical Center | www.unmc.edu |
Nebraska System, University of - Omaha | www.unomaha.edu |
Nebraska Wesleyan University | www.nebrwesleyan.edu |
Peru State College | www.peru.edu |
Union College | www.ucollege.edu |
Wayne State College | www.wsc.edu |
York College | www.york.edu |
New Hampshire | |
School Name | Website |
Antioch New England | www.antiochne.edu |
Chester College of New England | www.chestercollege.edu |
Colby-Sawyer College | www.colby-sawyer.edu |
Daniel Webster College | www.dwc.edu |
Dartmouth College | www.dartmouth.edu |
Franklin Pierce Law Center | www.piercelaw.edu |
Franklin Pierce University | www.franklinpierce.edu |
Keene State College | www.keene.edu |
New England College | www.nec.edu |
New Hampshire at Manchester, University of | www.unh.edu/unhm |
New Hampshire, University of | www.unh.edu |
Plymouth State College | www.plymouth.edu |
Rivier College | www.rivier.edu |
Saint Anselm College | www.anselm.edu |
Southern New Hampshire University | www.snhu.edu |
Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, The | www.thomasmorecollege.edu |
New Jersey | |
School Name | Website |
Berkeley College | www.berkeleycollege.edu |
Bloomfield College | www.bloomfield.edu |
Caldwell College | www.caldwell.edu |
Centenary College | www.centenarycollege.edu |
Drew University | www.drew.edu |
Fairleigh Dickinson University | www.fdu.edu |
Felician College | www.felician.edu |
Kean University | www.kean.edu |
Monmouth University | www.monmouth.edu |
Montclair State University | www.montclair.edu |
New Jersey City University | www.njcu.edu |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | www.njit.edu |
New Jersey, The College of | www.tcnj.edu |
Princeton University | www.princeton.edu |
Ramapo College | www.ramapo.edu |
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey | www.stockton.edu |
Rider University | www.rider.edu |
Rowan University | www.rowan.edu |
Rutgers University - Camden | www.camden.rutgers.edu |
Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway | nbp.rutgers.edu |
Rutgers University - Newark | www.newark.rutgers.edu |
Saint Elizabeth, College of | www.cse.edu |
Saint Peter's College | www.spc.edu |
Seton Hall University | www.shu.edu |
Stevens Institute of Technology | www.stevens.edu |
Thomas Edison State College | www.tesc.edu |
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey | www.umdnj.edu |
William Paterson University | www.wpunj.edu |
New Mexico | |
School Name | Website |
College of Santa Fe | www.csf.edu |
Eastern New Mexico University | www.enmu.edu |
Institute of American Indian Arts | www.iaia.edu/college |
New Mexico Highlands University | www.nmhu.edu |
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology | www.nmt.edu |
New Mexico State University | www.nmsu.edu |
New Mexico, University of | www.unm.edu |
Saint John's College-Santa Fe | www.sjcsf.edu |
Southwest, University of the | www.usw.edu |
Southwestern College | www.swc.edu |
Western New Mexico University | www.wnmu.edu |
Nevada | |
School Name | Website |
Great Basin College | www.gbcnv.edu |
Nevada-Las Vegas, University of | www.unlv.edu |
Nevada-Reno, University of | www.unr.edu |
Sierra Nevada College | www.sierranevada.edu |
Southern Nevada, University of | www.usn.edu |
New York | |
School Name | Website |
Adelphi University | www.adelphi.edu |
Albany College of Pharmacy | www.acp.edu |
Albany Medical College | www.amc.edu |
Alfred University | www.alfred.edu |
Bank Street College of Education | www.bankstreet.edu |
Bard College | www.bard.edu |
Barnard College | www.barnard.columbia.edu |
Boricua College | www.boricuacollege.edu |
Briarcliffe College | www.bcl.edu |
Canisius College | www.canisius.edu |
Cazenovia College | www.cazenovia.edu |
Christ the King Seminary | www.cks.edu |
City University of New York System - Baruch College | www.baruch.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - Brooklyn College | www.brooklyn.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - City College | www.ccny.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - College of Staten Island | www.csi.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - Graduate School & University Center | www.gc.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - Hunter College | www.hunter.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - John Jay College of Criminal Justice | www.jjay.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - Lehman College | www.lehman.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - Medger Evers College | www.mec.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - New York City College of Technology | www.citytech.cuny.edu |
City University of New York System - York College | www.york.cuny.edu |
Clarkson University | www.clarkson.edu |
Colgate University | www.colgate.edu |
College of Mount Saint Vincent | www.mountsaintvincent.edu |
College of New Rochelle | www.cnr.edu |
College of Saint Rose | www.strose.edu |
Columbia University | www.columbia.edu |
Concordia College-Bronxville | www.concordia-ny.edu |
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art, The | www.cooper.edu |
Cornell University | www.cornell.edu |
Culinary Institute of America | www.ciachef.edu |
Daemen College | www.daemen.edu |
Davis College | www.davisny.edu |
Dominican College | www.dc.edu |
Dowling College | www.dowling.edu |
D’Youville College | www.dyc.edu |
Elmira College | www.elmira.edu |
Excelsior College | www.excelsior.edu |
Five Towns College | www.ftc.edu |
Fordham University | www.fordham.edu |
Hamilton College | www.hamilton.edu |
Hartwick College | www.hartwick.edu |
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion | www.huc.edu |
Hilbert College | www.hilbert.edu |
Hobart and William Smith Colleges | www.hws.edu |
Hofstra University | www.hofstra.edu |
Houghton College | www.houghton.edu |
Iona College | www.iona.edu |
Ithaca College | www.ithaca.edu |
Jewish Theological Seminary of America, The | www.jtsa.edu |
Juilliard School, The | www.juilliard.edu |
Keuka College | www.keuka.edu |
Laboratory Institute of Merchandising | www.limcollege.edu |
Le Moyne College | www.lemoyne.edu |
Long Island University - Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences | www.liu.edu/cwis/pharmacy/pharmacy.html |
Long Island University - Brentwood Campus | www.liunet.edu/cwis/brent/brent.htm |
Long Island University - Brooklyn Campus | www.brooklyn.liunet.edu/cwis/bklyn/bklyn.html |
Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus | www.cwpost.liu.edu/cwis/cwp |
Long Island University - Rockland Graduate Campus | www.liunet.edu/cwis/rckld |
Long Island University - Southampton Graduate Campus | www.southampton.liunet.edu |
Long Island University - Westchester Graduate Campus | www.liu.edu/cwis/west |
Manhattan College | www.manhattan.edu |
Manhattan School of Music | www.msmnyc.edu |
Manhattanville College | www.mville.edu |
Marist College | www.marist.edu |
Marymount Manhattan College | marymount.mmm.edu |
Medaille College | www.medaille.edu |
Mercy College | www.mercy.edu |
Metropolitan College of New York | www.metropolitan.edu |
Molloy College | www.molloy.edu |
Monroe College | www.monroecollege.edu |
Mount Saint Mary College | www.msmc.edu |
Nazareth College | www.naz.edu |
New School, The | www.newschool.edu |
New York Chiropractic College | www.nycc.edu |
New York College of Podiatric Medicine | www.nycpm.edu |
New York Institute of Technology | www.nyit.edu |
New York Medical College | www.nymc.edu |
New York University | www.nyu.edu |
Niagara University | www.niagara.edu |
Nyack College | www.nyackcollege.edu |
Pace University | www.pace.edu |
Parsons School of Design | www.parsons.edu |
Paul Smith's College | www.paulsmiths.edu |
Polytechnic University of New York | www.poly.edu |
Pratt Institute | www.pratt.edu |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | www.rpi.edu |
Roberts Wesleyan College | www.roberts.edu |
Rochester Institute of Technology | www.rit.edu |
Rochester, University of | www.rochester.edu |
Rockefeller University, The | www.rockefeller.edu |
Sage Colleges, The | www.sage.edu |
Saint Bonaventure University | www.sbu.edu |
Saint Francis College | www.stfranciscollege.edu |
Saint John Fisher College | www.sjfc.edu |
Saint John's University | www.stjohns.edu |
Saint Joseph's College | www.sjcny.edu |
Saint Lawrence University | www.stlawu.edu |
Saint Thomas Aquinas College | www.stac.edu |
Sarah Lawrence College | www.slc.edu |
School of Visual Arts | www.schoolofvisualarts.edu |
Siena College | www.siena.edu |
Skidmore College | www.skidmore.edu |
State University of New York System - Albany | www.albany.edu |
State University of New York System - Binghamton | www.binghamton.edu |
State University of New York System - Buffalo | www.buffalo.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Brockport | www.brockport.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Buffalo (Buffalo State College) | www.buffalostate.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Cortland | www.cortland.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Fredonia | www.fredonia.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Geneseo | mosaic.cc.geneseo.edu |
State University of New York System - College at New Paltz | www.newpaltz.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Old Westbury | www.oldwestbury.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Oneonta | www.oneonta.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Oswego | www.oswego.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Plattsburgh | www.plattsburgh.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Potsdam | www.potsdam.edu |
State University of New York System - College at Purchase | www.purchase.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Agriculture & Technology at Cobleskill | www.cobleskill.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Agriculture & Technology at Morrisville (Morrisville State College) | www.morrisville.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Environmental Science & Forestry | www.esf.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Optometry | www.sunyopt.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Technology at Alfred (Alfred State University) | www.alfredstate.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Technology at Canton | www.canton.edu |
State University of New York System - College of Technology at Delhi | www.delhi.edu |
State University of New York System - Downstate Medical Center | www.downstate.edu |
State University of New York System - Empire State College | www.esc.edu |
State University of New York System - Farmingdale State College | www.farmingdale.edu |
State University of New York System - Fashion Institute of Technology | www.fitnyc.edu |
State University of New York System - Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome | www.sunyit.edu |
State University of New York System - Maritime College at Fort Schuyler | www.sunymaritime.edu |
State University of New York System - Stony Brook | www.sunysb.edu |
State University of New York System - Upstate Medical University | www.upstate.edu |
Syracuse University | www.syracuse.edu |
Teachers College, Columbia University | www.tc.columbia.edu |
Touro College | www.touro.edu |
Unification Theological Seminary | www.uts.edu |
Union College | www.union.edu |
Union Theological Seminary | www.utsnyc.edu |
United States Merchant Marine Academy | www.usmma.edu |
United States Military Academy | www.usma.edu |
Utica College of Syracuse University | www.utica.edu |
Vassar College | www.vassar.edu |
Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology | www.vaughn.edu |
Wagner College | www.wagner.edu |
Webb Institute | www.webb-institute.edu |
Wells College | www.wells.edu |
Yeshiva University | www.yu.edu |
Ohio | |
School Name | Website |
Air Force Institute of Technology | www.afit.edu |
Akron, University of | www.uakron.edu |
Antioch College | www.antioch-college.edu |
Art Academy of Cincinnati | www.artacademy.edu |
Ashland University | www.ashland.edu |
Baldwin-Wallace College | www.bw.edu |
Bluffton University | www.bluffton.edu |
Bowling Green State University | www.bgsu.edu |
Capital University | www.capital.edu |
Case Western Reserve University | www.case.edu |
Cedarville University | www.cedarville.edu |
Central State University | www.centralstate.edu |
Cincinnati Christian University | www.ccuniversity.edu |
Cincinnati, University of | www.uc.edu |
Cleveland Institute of Art | www.cia.edu |
Cleveland Institute of Art | |
Cleveland Institute of Music | www.cim.edu |
Cleveland State University | www.csuohio.edu |
Columbus College of Art & Design | www.ccad.edu |
David N. Myers University | www.myers.edu |
Dayton, University of | www.udayton.edu |
Defiance College | www.defiance.edu |
Denison University | www.denison.edu |
Findlay, The University of | www.findlay.edu |
Franciscan University of Steubenville | www.franciscan.edu |
Franklin University | www.franklin.edu |
Heidelberg College | www.heidelberg.edu |
Hiram College | www.hiram.edu |
John Carroll University | www.jcu.edu |
Kent State University - Geauga Campus | www.geauga.kent.edu |
Kent State University - Stark Campus | www.stark.kent.edu |
Kent State University - Tuscarawas Campus | www.tusc.kent.edu |
Kenyon College | www.kenyon.edu |
Lake Erie College | www.lec.edu |
Laura & Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies | www.siegalcollege.edu |
Lourdes College | www.lourdes.edu |
Malone College | www.malone.edu |
Marietta College | www.marietta.edu |
Miami University of Ohio | www.miami.muohio.edu |
Mount Saint Joseph, College of | www.msj.edu |
Mount Union College | www.muc.edu |
Mount Vernon Nazarene University | www.mvnu.edu |
Muskingum College | www.muskingum.edu |
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine | www.neoucom.edu |
Northwestern Ohio, University of | www.unoh.edu |
Notre Dame College | www.notredamecollege.edu |
Oberlin College | www.oberlin.edu |
Ohio Christian University | www.ohiochristian.edu |
Ohio Dominican University | www.ohiodominican.edu |
Ohio Northern University | www.onu.edu |
Ohio State University System - Columbus | www.osu.edu |
Ohio State University System - Lima | www.lima.ohio-state.edu |
Ohio State University System - Mansfield | www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu |
Ohio State University System - Marion | www.marion.ohio-state.edu |
Ohio University | www.ohio.edu |
Ohio Wesleyan University | www.owu.edu |
Otterbein College | www.otterbein.edu |
Rio Grande, University of | www.urg.edu |
Shawnee State University | www.shawnee.edu |
Tiffin University | www.tiffin.edu |
Toledo Health Science Campus, University of | hsc.utoledo.edu |
Toledo, University of | www.utoledo.edu |
Union Institute & University | www.myunion.edu |
Urbana University | www.urbana.edu |
Ursuline College | www.ursuline.edu |
Walsh University | www.walsh.edu |
Wilberforce University | www.wilberforce.edu |
Wilmington College | www.wilmington.edu |
Wittenberg University | www.wittenberg.edu |
Wooster, The College of | www.wooster.edu |
Wright State University | www.wright.edu |
Xavier University | www.xavier.edu |
Youngstown State University | www.ysu.edu |
Oklahoma | |
School Name | Website |
Bacone College | www.bacone.edu |
Cameron University | www.cameron.edu |
Central Oklahoma, University of | www.uco.edu |
East Central University | www.ecok.edu |
Langston University | www.lunet.edu |
Mid-America Christian University | www.macu.edu |
Northeastern State University - Broken Arrow campus | www.nsuba.edu |
Northeastern State University - Muskogee campus | www.nsuok.edu/muskogee |
Northwestern Oklahoma State University | www.nwosu.edu |
Oklahoma Baptist University | www.okbu.edu |
Oklahoma Christian University | www.oc.edu |
Oklahoma City University | www.okcu.edu |
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, University of | www.ouhsc.edu |
Oklahoma Panhandle State University | www.opsu.edu |
Oklahoma State University System – Center for Health Sciences | www.healthsciences.okstate.edu |
Oklahoma State University System – Stillwater | www.okstate.edu |
Oklahoma State University System – Tulsa | www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu |
Oklahoma Wesleyan University | www.okwu.edu |
Oklahoma, University of | www.ou.edu |
Oral Roberts University | www.oru.edu |
Phillips Theological Seminary | www.ptstulsa.edu |
Phillips University | www.phillips.edu |
Rogers State University | www.rsu.edu |
Saint Gregory's University | www.stgregorys.edu |
Science & Arts of Oklahoma, University of | www.usao.edu |
Southeastern Oklahoma State University | www.se.edu |
Southern Nazarene University | www.snu.edu |
Southwestern Christian University | www.swcu.edu |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University | www.swosu.edu |
Tulsa, University of | www.utulsa.edu |
Tulsa, University of |
Oregon | |
School Name | Website |
Art Institute of Portland | www.artinstitutes.edu/portland |
Concordia University-Portland | www.cu-portland.edu |
Corban College | www.corban.edu |
Eastern Oregon University | www.eou.edu |
Eugene Bible College | www.ebc.edu |
George Fox University | www.georgefox.edu |
Lewis & Clark College | www.lclark.edu |
Linfield College | www.linfield.edu |
Marylhurst University | www.marylhurst.edu |
Mount Angel Seminary | www.mountangelabbey.org/seminary |
Multnomah Bible College & Seminary | www.multnomah.edu |
National College of Natural Medicine | www.ncnm.edu |
Northwest Christian University | www.northwestchristian.edu |
Oregon Health & Science University | www.ohsu.edu |
Oregon Institute of Technology | www.oit.edu |
Oregon State University | oregonstate.edu |
Oregon, University of | www.uoregon.edu |
Pacific Northwest College of Art | www.pnca.edu |
Pacific University | www.pacificu.edu |
Portland State University | www.pdx.edu |
Portland, University of | www.up.edu |
Reed College | www.reed.edu |
Southern Oregon University | www.sou.edu |
Warner Pacific College | www.warnerpacific.edu |
Western Oregon University | www.wou.edu |
Western Seminary | www.westernseminary.edu |
Western States Chiropractic College | www.wschiro.edu |
Willamette University | www.willamette.edu |
Pennsylvania | |
School Name | Website |
Albright College | www.albright.edu |
Allegheny College | www.allegheny.edu |
Alvernia University | www.alvernia.edu |
American College | www.theamericancollege.edu |
Arcadia University | www.arcadia.edu |
Art Institute of Pittsburgh | www.artinstitutes.edu/pittsburgh |
Arts, University of the | www.uarts.edu |
Baptist Bible College | www.bbc.edu |
Biblical Theological Seminary | www.biblical.edu |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania | www.bloomu.edu |
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church | www.brynathyn.edu |
Bryn Mawr College | www.brynmawr.edu |
Bucknell University | www.bucknell.edu |
Cabrini College | www.cabrini.edu |
California University of Pennsylvania | www.cup.edu |
Carlow College | www.carlow.edu |
Carnegie Mellon University | www.cmu.edu |
Cedar Crest College | www.cedarcrest.edu |
Central Pennsylvania College | www.centralpenn.edu |
Chatham College | www.chatham.edu |
Chestnut Hill College | www.chc.edu |
Cheyney University | www.cheyney.edu |
Clarion University of Pennsylvania | www.clarion.edu |
College Misericordia | www.misericordia.edu |
Curtis Institute of Music | www.curtis.edu |
Delaware Valley College | www.delval.edu |
DeSales University | www.desales.edu |
Dickinson College | www.dickinson.edu |
Drexel University | www.drexel.edu |
Duquesne University | www.duq.edu |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania | www.esu.edu |
Eastern University | www.eastern.edu |
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania | www.edinboro.edu |
Elizabethtown College | www.etown.edu |
Franklin & Marshall College | www.fandm.edu |
Gannon University | www.gannon.edu |
Geneva College | www.geneva.edu |
Gettysburg College | www.gettysburg.edu |
Gratz College | www.gratz.edu |
Grove City College | www.gcc.edu |
Gwynedd Mercy College | www.gmc.edu |
Haverford College in Pennsylvania | www.haverford.edu |
Holy Family University | www.holyfamily.edu |
Immaculata College | www.immaculata.edu |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | www.iup.edu |
Juniata College | www.juniata.edu |
Keystone College | www.keystone.edu |
Kings College | www.kings.edu |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania | www.kutztown.edu |
La Roche College | www.laroche.edu |
Lafayette College | www.lafayette.edu |
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine | www.lecom.edu |
Lancaster Bible College | www.lbc.edu |
LaSalle University | www.lasalle.edu |
Lebanon Valley College | www.lvc.edu |
Lehigh University | www.lehigh.edu |
Lincoln University | www.lincoln.edu |
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania | www.lhup.edu |
Lycoming College | www.lycoming.edu |
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania | www.mansfield.edu |
Marywood University | www.marywood.edu |
Mercyhurst College | www.mercyhurst.edu |
Messiah College | www.messiah.edu |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania | www.millersville.edu |
Moore College of Art & Design | www.moore.edu |
Moravian College | www.moravian.edu |
Mount Aloysius College | www.mtaloy.edu |
Muhlenberg College | www.muhlenberg.edu |
Neumann College | www.neumann.edu |
Peirce College | www.peirce.edu |
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design | www.pcad.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Abington | www.abington.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Altoona | www.aa.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Beaver | www.br.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Berks | www.bk.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Brandywine | www.brandywine.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - College of Medicine | www.pennstatehershey.org/web/college/home |
Pennsylvania State University System - Dickinson School of Law | www.dsl.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - DuBois | www.ds.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Erie, The Behrend College | www.erie.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Fayette, The Eberly Campus | www.fe.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Great Valley School of Graduate Professional Studies | www.sgps.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Greater Allegheny | www.ga.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Harrisburg | www.hbg.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Hazleton | www.hn.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Lehigh Valley | www.lv.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Mont Alto | www.ma.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - New Kensington | www.nk.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Pennsylvania College of Technology | www.pct.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Schuylkill | www.sl.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Shenango | www.shenango.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - University Park (main campus) | www.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Wilkes-Barre | www.wb.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - Worthington Scranton | www.sn.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania State University System - York | www.yk.psu.edu |
Pennsylvania, University of | |
Philadelphia Biblical University | www.pbu.edu |
Philadelphia University | www.philau.edu |
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary | www.pts.edu |
Pittsburgh, University of - Bradford | www.upb.pitt.edu |
Pittsburgh, University of - Greensburg | www.pitt.edu |
Pittsburgh, University of - Johnstown | www.upj.pitt.edu |
Point Park University | www.pointpark.edu |
Robert Morris College | www.robert-morris.edu |
Rosemont College | www.rosemont.edu |
Saint Francis University | www.francis.edu |
Saint Joseph's University | www.sju.edu |
Saint Vincent College | www.stvincent.edu |
Salus University | www.salus.edu |
Sciences in Philadelphia, University of the | www.usp.edu |
Scranton, University of | matrix.scranton.edu |
Seton Hill College | www.setonhill.edu |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania | www.ship.edu |
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | www.sru.edu |
Susquehanna University | www.susqu.edu |
Swarthmore College | www.swarthmore.edu |
Temple University | www.temple.edu |
Thiel College | www.thiel.edu |
Thomas Jefferson University | www.jefferson.edu |
United States Army War College | www.carlisle.army.mil |
Ursinus College | www.ursinus.edu |
Valley Forge Christian College | www.vfcc.edu |
Villanova University | www.villanova.edu |
Washington & Jefferson College | www.washjeff.edu |
Waynesburg College | www.waynesburg.edu |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania | www.wcupa.edu |
Westminster College | www.westminster.edu |
Westminster Theological Seminary | www.wts.edu |
Widener University | www.widener.edu |
Wilkes University | www.wilkes.edu |
Wilson College | www.wilson.edu |
York College of Pennsylvania | www.ycp.edu |
Rhode Island | |
School Name | Website |
Brown University | www.brown.edu |
Bryant College | www.bryant.edu |
Johnson & Wales University | www.jwu.edu |
Naval War College | www.nwc.navy.mil |
New England Institute of Technology | www.neit.edu |
Providence College | www.providence.edu |
Rhode Island College | www.ric.edu |
Rhode Island School of Design | www.risd.edu |
Rhode Island, University of | www.uri.edu |
Roger Williams University | www.rwu.edu |
Salve Regina University | www.salve.edu |
South Carolina | |
School Name | Website |
Allen University | www.allenuniversity.edu |
Anderson College | www.ac.edu |
Benedict College | www.benedict.edu |
Charleston Southern University | www.csuniv.edu |
Charleston, College of | www.cofc.edu |
Citadel, The | www.citadel.edu |
Claflin University | www.claflin.edu |
Clemson University | www.clemson.edu |
Coastal Carolina University | www.coastal.edu |
Coker College | www.coker.edu |
Columbia College | www.columbiacollegesc.edu |
Columbia International University | www.ciu.edu |
Converse College | www.converse.edu |
Erskine College | www.erskine.edu |
Francis Marion University | www.fmarion.edu |
Furman University | www.furman.edu |
Johnson & Wales University-Charleston | www.jwu.edu/charles |
Lander University | www.lander.edu |
Limestone College | www.limestone.edu |
Medical University of South Carolina | www.musc.edu |
Morris College | www.morris.edu |
Newberry College | www.newberry.edu |
North Greenville University | www.ngu.edu |
Presbyterian College | www.presby.edu |
Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic | www.sherman.edu |
South Carolina State University | www.scsu.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Aiken | www.usca.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Beaufort | www.uscb.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Columbia | www.sc.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Lancaster | usclancaster.sc.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Sumter | www.uscsumter.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Union | uscunion.sc.edu |
South Carolina System, University of - Upstate | www.uscupstate.edu |
Southern Wesleyan University | www.swu.edu |
Voorhees College | www.voorhees.edu |
Winthrop University | www.winthrop.edu |
Wofford College | www.wofford.edu |
South Dakota | |
School Name | Website |
Augustana College | www.augie.edu |
Black Hills State University | www.bhsu.edu |
Dakota State University | www.dsu.edu |
Dakota Wesleyan University | www.dwu.edu |
Mount Marty College | www.mtmc.edu |
National American University | www.national.edu |
Northern State University | www.northern.edu |
Oglala Lakota College | www.olc.edu |
Presentation College | www.presentation.edu |
Sinte Gleska University | www.sintegleska.edu |
Sioux Falls Seminary | www.sfseminary.edu |
Sioux Falls, University of | www.usiouxfalls.edu |
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology | www.hpcnet.org/sdsmt |
South Dakota State University | www.sdstate.edu |
South Dakota, University of | www.usd.edu |
Tennessee | |
School Name | Website |
Aquinas College | www.aquinascollege.edu |
Austin Peay State University | www.apsu.edu |
Baptist Memorial College of Health Sciences | www.bchs.edu |
Belmont University | www.belmont.edu |
Bethel College | www.bethel-college.edu |
Bryan College | www.bryan.edu |
Carson-Newman College | www.cn.edu |
Christian Brothers University | www.cbu.edu |
Church of God Theological Seminary | www.cogts.edu |
Crichton College | www.crichton.edu |
Cumberland University | www.cumberland.edu |
East Tennessee State University | www.etsu.edu |
Emmanuel School of Religion | www.esr.edu |
Fisk University | www.fisk.edu |
Free Will Baptist Bible College | www.fwbbc.edu |
Freed-Hardeman University | www.fhu.edu |
Johnson Bible College | www.jbc.edu |
King College | www.king.edu |
Lambuth University | www.lambuth.edu |
Lane College | www.lanecollege.edu |
Lee University | www.leeuniversity.edu |
LeMoyne-Owen College | www.loc.edu |
Lincoln Memorial University | www.lmunet.edu |
Lipscomb University | www.lipscomb.edu |
Martin Methodist College | www.martinmethodist.edu |
Maryville College | www.maryvillecollege.edu |
Meharry Medical College | www.mmc.edu |
Memphis College of Art | www.mca.edu |
Memphis Theological Seminary | www.memphisseminary.edu |
Memphis, University of | www.memphis.edu |
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary | www.mabts.edu |
Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia | www.mtsa.edu |
Middle Tennessee State University | www.mtsu.edu |
Milligan College | www.milligan.edu |
Rhodes College | www.rhodes.edu |
South College | www.southcollegetn.edu |
South, University of the | www.sewanee.edu |
Southern Adventist University | www.southern.edu |
Southern College | www.southern.edu |
Southern College of Optometry | www.sco.edu |
Tennessee State University | www.tnstate.edu |
Tennessee System University of - Chattanooga | www.utc.edu |
Tennessee System University of - Knoxville | www.utk.edu |
Tennessee System University of - Martin | www.utm.edu |
Tennessee System University of - Memphis | www.utmem.edu |
Tennessee Technological University | www.tntech.edu |
Tennessee Temple University | www.tntemple.edu |
Tennessee Wesleyan College | www.twcnet.edu |
Trevecca Nazarene University | www.trevecca.edu |
Tusculum College | www.tusculum.edu |
Union University | www.uu.edu |
Vanderbilt University | www.vanderbilt.edu |
Texas | |
School Name | Website |
Abilene Christian University | www.acu.edu |
Amberton University | www.amberton.edu |
Arlington Baptist College | www.abconline.edu |
Art Institute of Dallas | www.artinstitutes.edu/dallas |
Art Institute of Houston | www.artinstitutes.edu/houston |
Austin College | www.austincollege.edu |
Austin Graduate School of Theology | www.austingrad.edu |
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary | www.austinseminary.edu |
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary | www.bmats.edu |
Baylor College of Medicine | www.bcm.edu |
Baylor University | www.baylor.edu |
Concordia University-Texas | www.concordia.edu |
Criswell College | www.criswell.edu |
Dallas Baptist University | www.dbu.edu |
Dallas Christian College | www.dallas.edu |
Dallas Theological Seminary | www.dts.edu |
Dallas, University of | www.udallas.edu |
DeVry University-Irving (Dallas) | www.dal.devry.edu |
East Texas Baptist University | www.etbu.edu |
Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics | www.gial.edu |
Hardin-Simmons University | www.hsutx.edu |
Houston Baptist University | www.hbu.edu |
Houston System, University of - Clear Lake | www.uhcl.edu |
Houston System, University of - Downtown | www.uhd.edu |
Houston System, University of - main campus | www.uh.edu |
Houston System, University of - Victoria | www.uhv.edu |
Howard Payne University | www.hputx.edu |
Huston-Tillotson University | www.htu.edu |
Incarnate Word, University of the | www.uiw.edu |
Jarvis Christian College | www.jarvis.edu |
LeTourneau University | www.letu.edu |
Lubbock Christian University | www.lcu.edu |
Mary Hardin-Baylor, University of | www.umhb.edu |
McMurry University | www.mcm.edu |
Midwestern State University | www.mwsu.edu |
North Texas, University of - Health Science Center at Fort Worth | www.hsc.unt.edu |
Northwood University | www.northwood.edu |
Oblate School of Theology | www.ost.edu |
Our Lady of the Lake University | www.ollusa.edu |
Parker College of Chiropractic | www.parkercc.edu |
Paul Quinn College | www.pqc.edu |
Rice University | www.riceinfo.rice.edu |
Saint Edward's University | www.stedwards.edu |
Saint Mary's University of San Antonio | www.stmarytx.edu |
Saint Thomas More, College of | www.cstm.edu |
Saint Thomas, University of | www.stthom.edu |
Schreiner University | www.schreiner.edu |
Seminary of the Southwest | www.ssw.edu |
South Texas College of Law | www.stcl.edu |
Southern Methodist University | www.smu.edu |
Southwestern Adventist University | www.swau.edu |
Southwestern Assemblies of God University | www.sagu.edu |
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | www.swbts.edu |
Southwestern Christian College | www.swcc.edu |
Southwestern University | www.southwestern.edu |
Stephen F. Austin State University | www.sfasu.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Baylor College of Dentistry | www.tambcd.edu |
Texas A&M University System - College Station | www.tamu.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Commerce | www.tamu-commerce.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Corpus Christi | www.tamucc.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Galveston | www.tamug.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Health Science Center | www.tamhsc.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Kingsville | www.tamuk.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Prairie View A&M University | www.pvamu.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Tarleton State University | www.tarleton.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Texarkana | www.tamut.edu |
Texas A&M University System - Texas A&M International University | www.tamiu.edu |
Texas A&M University System - West Texas A&M University | www.wtamu.edu |
Texas Chiropractic College | www.txchiro.edu |
Texas Christian University | www.tcu.edu |
Texas College | www.texascollege.edu |
Texas Lutheran University | www.tlu.edu |
Texas Southern University | www.tsu.edu |
Texas State University System - Lamar University | www.lamar.edu |
Texas State University System - Sam Houston State University | www.shsu.edu |
Texas State University System - Sul Ross State University | www.sulross.edu |
Texas State University System - Texas State University-San Marcos | www.txstate.edu |
Texas System, University of - El Paso | www.utep.edu |
Texas System, University of - Arlington | www.uta.edu |
Texas System, University of - Austin | www.utexas.edu |
Texas System, University of - Brownsville | www.utb.edu |
Texas System, University of - Dallas | www.utdallas.edu |
Texas System, University of - Health Center at Tyler | www.uthct.edu |
Texas System, University of - Health Science Center at Houston | www.uthouston.edu |
Texas System, University of - Health Science Center at San Antonio | www.uthscsa.edu |
Texas System, University of - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center | www.mdanderson.org |
Texas System, University of - Medical Branch at Galveston | www.utmb.edu |
Texas System, University of - Pan American | www.utpa.edu |
Texas System, University of - Permian Basin | www.utpb.edu |
Texas System, University of - San Antonio | www.utsa.edu |
Texas System, University of - Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas | www.utsouthwestern.edu |
Texas System, University of - Tyler | www.uttyler.edu |
Texas Tech University System - Health Sciences Center | www.ttuhsc.edu |
Texas Tech University System - Texas Tech University | www.ttu.edu |
Texas Tech University System - Angelo State University | www.angelo.edu |
Texas Wesleyan University | www.txwes.edu |
Texas Woman's University | www.twu.edu |
Trinity University | www.trinity.edu |
Wayland Baptist University | www.wbu.edu |
Wiley College | www.wileyc.edu |
Utah | |
School Name | Website |
Brigham Young University | www.byu.edu |
Dixie State College | www.dixie.edu |
Southern Utah University | www.suu.edu |
Utah State University | www.usu.edu |
Utah Valley University | www.uvu.edu |
Utah, University of | www.utah.edu |
Weber State University | www.weber.edu |
Western Governors University | www.wgu.edu |
Westminster College | www.westminstercollege.edu |
Virginia | |
School Name | Website |
Averett College | www.averett.edu |
Bluefield College | www.bluefield.edu |
Bridgewater College | www.bridgewater.edu |
Christendom College | www.christendom.edu |
Christopher Newport University | www.cnu.edu |
DeVry University-Crystal City | www.crys.devry.edu |
Eastern Mennonite University | www.emu.edu |
Eastern Virginia Medical School | www.evms.edu |
ECPI College of Technology | www.ecpi.edu |
Emory & Henry College | www.ehc.edu |
Ferrum College | www.ferrum.edu |
George Mason University | www.gmu.edu |
George Washington University-Virginia Campus | www.gwvirginia.gwu.edu |
Hampden-Sydney College | www.hsc.edu |
Hampton University | www.hamptonu.edu |
Hollins University | www.hollins.edu |
Institute for the Psychological Sciences | www.ipsciences.edu |
Institute of Textile Technology | www.itt.edu |
James Madison University | www.jmu.edu |
Jefferson College of Health Sciences | www.jchs.edu |
Liberty University | www.liberty.edu |
Longwood University | www.longwood.edu |
Lynchburg College | www.lynchburg.edu |
Marine Corps University | www.mcu.usmc.mil |
Mary Baldwin College | www.mbc.edu |
Mary Washington, University of | www.umw.edu |
Marymount University | www.marymount.edu |
Norfolk State University | www.nsu.edu |
Old Dominion University | www.odu.edu |
Radford University | www.radford.edu |
Randolph College | www.randolphcollege.edu |
Randolph-Macon College | www.rmc.edu |
Regent University | www.regent.edu |
Richmond, University of | www.richmond.edu |
Roanoke College | www.roanoke.edu |
Saint Paul's College | www.saintpauls.edu |
Shenandoah University | www.su.edu |
Sweet Briar College | www.sbc.edu |
United States Marine Corps University | www.mcu.usmc.mil |
Virginia Commonwealth University | www.vcu.edu |
Virginia Intermont College | www.vic.edu |
Virginia Military Institute | www.vmi.edu |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | www.vt.edu |
Virginia State University | www.vsu.edu |
Virginia Union University | www.vuu.edu |
Virginia Wesleyan College | www.vwc.edu |
Virginia's College at Wise, University of | www.wise.virginia.edu |
Virginia, University of | www.virginia.edu |
Washington & Lee University | www.wlu.edu |
Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary | www.bible.edu |
William and Mary, College of | www.wm.edu |
Vermont | |
School Name | Website |
Bennington College | www.bennington.edu |
Burlington College | www.burlington.edu |
Castleton State University | www.csc.vsc.edu |
Champlain College | www.champlain.edu |
Goddard College | www.goddard.edu |
Green Mountain College | www.greenmtn.edu |
Johnson State College | www.jsc.edu |
Lyndon State College | www.lyndonstate.edu |
Marlboro College | www.marlboro.edu |
Middlebury College | www.middlebury.edu |
Norwich University | www.norwich.edu |
Saint Joseph, College of | www.csj.edu |
Saint Michael's College | www.smcvt.edu |
School for International Training | www.sit.edu |
Southern Vermont College | www.svc.edu |
Sterling College | www.sterlingcollege.edu |
Vermont Law School | www.vermontlaw.edu |
Vermont Technical College | www.vtc.edu |
Vermont, University of | www.uvm.edu |
Washington | |
School Name | Website |
Antioch University-Seattle | www.antiochsea.edu |
Art Institute of Seattle | www.artinstitutes.edu/seattle |
Bastyr University | www.bastyr.edu |
Central Washington University | www.cwu.edu |
City University of Seattle | www.cityu.edu |
Cornish College of the Arts | www.cornish.edu |
Eastern Washington University | www.ewu.edu |
Evergreen State College | www.evergreen.edu |
Gonzaga University | www.gonzaga.edu |
Heritage University | www.heritage.edu |
Northwest University | www.northwestu.edu |
Pacific Lutheran University | www.plu.edu |
Puget Sound, University of | www.pugetsound.edu |
Saint Martin's University | www.stmartin.edu |
Seattle Pacific University | www.spu.edu |
Seattle University | www.seattleu.edu |
Trinity Lutheran College | www.tlc.edu |
Walla Walla University | www.wallawalla.edu |
Washington State University - Spokane campus | www.spokane.wsu.edu |
Washington State University - Tri-Cities campus | www.tricity.wsu.edu |
Washington State University - Vancouver campus | www.vancouver.wsu.edu |
Washington, University of - Bothell campus | Bothell campus |
Washington, University of - Tacoma campus | www.tacoma.washington.edu |
Western Washington University | www.wwu.edu |
Whitman College | www.whitman.edu |
Whitworth University | www.whitworth.edu |
Wisconsin | |
School Name | Website |
Alverno College | www.alverno.edu |
Beloit College | www.beloit.edu |
Cardinal Stritch University | www.stritch.edu |
Carroll University | www.carrollu.edu |
Carthage College | www.carthage.edu |
Concordia University-Wisconsin | www.cuw.edu |
Edgewood College | www.edgewood.edu |
Herzing College | www.herzing.edu |
Lakeland College | www.lakeland.edu |
Lawrence University | www.lawrence.edu |
Maranatha Baptist Bible College | www.mbbc.edu |
Marian University | www.marianuniversity.edu |
Marquette University | www.mu.edu |
Medical College of Wisconsin | www.mcw.edu |
Milwaukee School of Engineering | www.msoe.edu |
Mount Mary College | www.mtmary.edu |
Northland College | www.northland.edu |
Ripon College | www.ripon.edu |
Saint Norbert College | www.snc.edu |
Silver Lake College | www.sl.edu |
Viterbo University | www.viterbo.edu |
Wisconsin Lutheran College | www.wlc.edu |
Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology | www.wspp.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Eau Claire | www.uwec.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Green Bay | www.uwgb.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - LaCrosse | www.uwlax.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Madison | www.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Milwaukee | www.uwm.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Oshkosh | www.uwosh.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Parkside | www.uwp.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Platteville | www.uwplatt.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - River Falls | www.uwrf.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Stevens Point | www.uwsp.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Stout | www.uwstout.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Superior | www.uwsuper.edu |
Wisconsin System, University of - Whitewater | www.uww.edu |
West Virginia | |
School Name | Website |
Alderson-Broaddus College | www.ab.edu |
Appalachian Bible College | www.abc.edu |
Bethany College | www.bethanywv.edu |
Bluefield State College | www.bluefieldstate.edu |
Charleston, University of | www.ucwv.edu |
Concord University | www.concord.edu |
Davis & Elkins College | www.davisandelkins.edu |
Fairmont State University | www.fairmontstate.edu |
Glenville State College | www.glenville.wvnet.edu |
Marshall University | www.marshall.edu |
Mountain State University | www.mountainstate.edu |
Ohio Valley College | www.ovc.edu |
Salem International University | www.salemu.edu |
Shepherd University | www.shepherd.edu |
West Liberty State College | www.westliberty.edu |
West Virginia State University | www.wvstateu.edu |
West Virginia University | www.wvu.edu |
West Virginia University at Parkersburg | www.wvup.edu |
West Virginia University Institute of Technology | www.wvutech.edu |
West Virginia Wesleyan College | www.wvwc.edu |
Wheeling Jesuit University | www.wju.edu |
Wyoming | |
School Name | Website |
Wyoming, University of | www.uwyo.edu |
District of Columbia | |
School Name | Website |
American University | www.american.edu |
Catholic University of America, The | www.cua.edu |
Corcoran College of Art & Design | www.corcoran.edu |
District of Columbia, University of the | www.udc.edu |
Dominican House of Studies | www.dhs.edu |
Gallaudet University | www.gallaudet.edu |
George Washington University | www.gwu.edu |
Georgetown University | www.georgetown.edu |
Howard University | www.howard.edu |
Institute of World Politics | www.iwp.edu |
Joint Military Intelligence College | www.dia.mil/college |
National Defense University | www.ndu.edu |
Southeastern University | www.seu.edu |
Strayer University | www.strayer.edu |
Trinity University | www.trinitydc.edu |
Washington Theological Union | www.wtu.edu |
Wesley Theological Seminary | www.wesleyseminary.edu |
Guam | |
School Name | Website |
Guam, University of | www.uog.edu |
Virgin Islands | |
School Name | Website |
Virgin Islands, University of the | www.uvi.edu |
Puerto Rico | |
School Name | Website |
American University of Puerto Rico | www.aupr.edu |
Antillean Adventist University | www.uaa.edu |
Caribbean University | www.caribbean.edu |
Carlos Albizu University-San Juan | www.albizu.edu |
Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe | www.ceaprc.org |
Conservatorio de Musica de Puerto Rico | www.cmpr.edu |
Escuela de Artes Plasticas de Puerto Rico | www.eap.edu |
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico | www.pupr.edu |
Ponce School of Medicine | www.psm.edu |
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico | www.pucpr.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Aguadilla | www.uprag.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Arecibo | www.upra.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Bayamon | www.uprb.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Carolina | www.uprc.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Ciencias Medicas | www.rcm.upr.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Humacao | www.uprh.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Mayaguez | www.uprm.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Ponce | www.uprp.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Rio Piedras | www.uprrp.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Utuado | www.uprutuado.edu |
Puerto Rico System, University of - Cayey | www.cayey.upr.edu |
Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico | www.se-pr.edu |
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez - Universidad del Este | www.suagm.edu/une |
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez - Universidad del Turabo | www.suagm.edu/turabo |
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez - Universidad Metropolitana | www.suagm.edu/umet |
Universidad Central de Bayamon | www.ucb.edu.pr |
Universidad Central del Caribe | www.uccaribe.edu |
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon | www.sagrado.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Aguadilla Campus | www.aguadilla.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Arecibo Campus | www.arecibo.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Barranquitas Campus | www.br.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Bayamon Campus | bc.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Fajardo Campus | fajardo.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Guayama Campus | www.guayama.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Metropolitan Campus | www.metro.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Ponce Campus | ponce.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - San German Campus | www.sg.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - School of Law | www.derecho.inter.edu |
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - School of Optometry | www.optonet.inter.edu |